Windows Media Encoder

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Find out about Windows Media Encoder on their official website

Windows Media Encoder allows encoding of live broadcasts and pulled from clients or relays or pushed to servers over the MMS protocol.

Using VLC as a Relay for Live Streams

Currently only the pull method is supported for using VLC as a relay. On your server, use the command:

vlc mmsh://encoder-ip:8080 --sout '#std{access=mmsh,mux=asfh,dst=:8080}'

Now Windows Media Player clients can connect to mms://server-ip:8080 to watch the broadcast.

Of course this requires the encoder to be reachable via the MMSH protocol, with any required firewall or NAT configuration to support it.

Encoder Push Support

Some reverse engineering of the MMSH encoder push protocol has been done, but not integrated into VLC, for example by nabe@abk and The SDP Multimedia Website.

Bugs and Caveats

VLC may not reflect the source bitrate properly. This has also been discussed in the forum

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