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This page will help you compile VLC for WinRT


Development Environment

To develop VLC for WinRT, you would need to have:

  • Windows 8.1
  • Visual Studio 2013 with Update 2 (or Update 3)
  • Windows 8.1 SDK (Recommended)
  • Latest version of Git
  • Lots of patience :D

Get the source

You can clone the VLC for WinRT git repository

git clone

Get libVLC source

Packaged 7zip file

You can download vlc.7z from here. Extract the contents of vlc.7z and copy the contents to vlc folder of winrt source code

Cross Compiling

If you feel adventurous, you can try cross-compiling libVLC for WinRT. Refer to the README file in the source folder for more information

Build and Deploy

  • Open the VLC_WinRT solution in app/VLC_WINRT.sln
  • Open Package.appxmanifest, and generate a test certificate. More information can be found in the README file in the source folder
  • Click on Build Solution and then Deploy

Additional Notes

  • If building fails with lots of errors referring to Windows SDK headers, installing Windows 8.1 SDK usually helps
  • It helps to right click the specific project (eg: Windows 8.1 project ) and then click deploy rather than trying to deploy the whole solution
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