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Introduction to GPU decoding in VLC
The VLC framework can use your graphic card (aka GPU) to decode H.264 streams (wrongly called HD videos) under certain circumstances.
VLC, in its modular approach and its transcoding/streaming capabilities, does decoding in GPU at the decoding stage only and then gets the data back to go to the other stages (streaming, filtering or plug any video output after that).
What that means is that, compared to some other implementation, GPU decoding in VLC can be slower because it needs to get the data back from the GPU. But you can plug ANY video output (sink) to it and use all the VLC video filters.
Introduction to compilation of VAAPI in VLC
This page is about compiling VLC with support of GPU acceleration on Linux. For Windows, look at VLC_DxVA2.
This howto has been written by Jean-Baptiste Kempf and tested with nVidia GPU.
Before starting
Install libva from http://www.splitted-desktop.com/~gbeauchesne/libva/ . We do not support other libraries than the one from Mr Beauchesne.
http://www.splitted-desktop.com/~gbeauchesne/vdpau-video/ for nVidia. Use at least version 0.6.2.
http://www.splitted-desktop.com/~gbeauchesne/xvba-video/ for ATI. Use at least 0.6.4.
Check if LIBVA environment variables are correctly configured:
set | grep LIBVA
Should output something like:
LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=xvba LIBVA_DRIVERS_PATH=/usr/lib64/va/drivers
If not, add these, according to your library path, to your system environment variables (/etc/environment ?)
Then run
which should return something like:
VAProfileH264High : VAEntrypointVLD VAProfileVC1Advanced : VAEntrypointVLD
To check if everything works.
FFmpeg trunk
Get the latest FFmpeg trunk as of 2010-January. Compile it with vaapi hwaccel support.
./configure --enable-gpl --enable-postproc --prefix=/path/to/ --enable-shared --enable-vaapi make make install
Copy vaapi.h to the includes, if not done (newer FFmpeg should do that automagically)
Get VLC from Git. Get the necessary external libraries (on debian/*buntu: apt-get build-dep vlc)
./bootstrap ./configure make
Compile VLC with vaapi
Configure VLC.
Edit vlc-config and add
-lX11 -lva-x11
to the avcodec line. (Step no longer required with recent builds)
Mine looks like this:
avcodec) cflags="${cflags} -I/home/jb/VideoLAN/vlc/vlc/extras/ffmpeg" libs="${libs} /home/jb/vlc/extras/ffmpeg/libavcodec/libavcodec.a /home/jb/vlc/extras/ffmpeg/libavutil/libavutil.a -lz -lm -lva -ldl -ljack -lasound -lm -lX11 -lva-x11"
Recompile VLC
make clean && make
That everything went ok:
./vlc --list | grep avcodec
should return something.
Activate acceleration in the preferences.
Or directly on command line
vlc --ffmpeg-hw
Exemple: on playback log output (with -v debug and ATI VAAPI)
[0x7f8c4cc03ba8] avcodec decoder: Using VA API version 0.32 for hardware decoding.