VLC Awards

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This page lists some of the awards given to VLC media player. There's probably quite a number I haven't mentioned here: if I missed some feel free to add to the list.

Given by Award Date
Lo4d.com Lo4d.com Editor's Pick 2012
FreewareBB FreewareBB - Best Media Player of 2011 2011
Paris Capitale du Libre Lutèce d'or 2007
Softpedia Softpedia pick 5/5 2006
Soft32.com Editor's Review Award, 5/5 2006
Trophées du Libre Winner, Trophées du Libre (Multimedia category) 2005
Open Source Initiative (OSI), builder.com Open Source Award 2004
MacGeneration MacGeneration Trophy for developers support 2003
Apple Best Mac OS X Use of Open Source, runner up 2003
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