VLC-0-8-6 command-line help

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See also Command line, Console interfaces

As you may have noticed, running the command

vlc --help

on some command prompts is not very useful due to to the non-scrollable pop-up window that opened.

If you look for help, on a particular module, use

vlc -p module --advanced

Undocumented option:

 -vvv     "Verbose verbose verbose". Verbose output

Here's the output of vlc --longhelp --advanced --help-verbose of the version 0.8.6i in Windows. If you are looking for 0.9.0 help, go VLC_command-line_help.

Usage: vlc [options] [stream] ...
You can specify multiple streams on the commandline. They will be enqueued in the playlist.
The first item specified will be played first.

  --option  A global option that is set for the duration of the program.
   -option  A single letter version of a global --option.
   :option  An option that only applies to the stream directly before it
            and that overrides previous settings.

Stream MRL syntax:
  [[access][/demux]://]URL[@[title][:chapter][-[title][:chapter]]] [:option=value ...]

  Many of the global --options can also be used as MRL specific :options.
  Multiple :option=value pairs can be specified.

URL syntax:
  [file://]filename              Plain media file
  http://ip:port/file            HTTP URL
  ftp://ip:port/file             FTP URL
  mms://ip:port/file             MMS URL
  screen://                      Screen capture
  [dvd://][device][@raw_device]  DVD device
  [vcd://][device]               VCD device
  [cdda://][device]              Audio CD device
  udp:[[<source address>]@[<bind address>][:<bind port>]]
                                 UDP stream sent by a streaming server
  vlc:pause:<seconds>            Special item to pause the playlist for a certain time
  vlc:quit                       Special item to quit VLC

 Help options
  -h, --help                     print help for VLC (can be combined with
  -H, --longhelp                 print help for VLC and all its modules (can
                                 be combined with --advanced)
      --advanced                 print help for the advanced options
      --help-verbose             ask for extra verbosity when displaying help
  -l, --list                     print a list of available modules
  -p, --module <string>          print help on a specific module (can be
                                 combined with --advanced)
      --save-config              save the current command line options in the
      --reset-config             reset the current config to the default values
      --config <string>          use alternate config file
      --reset-plugins-cache      resets the current plugins cache
      --version                  print version information

      --audio, --no-audio        Enable audio (default enabled)
          You can completely disable the audio output.
          The audio decoding stage will not take place,
          thus saving some processing power. (default
      --volume <integer>         Default audio volume
          You can set the default audio output volume
          here, in a range from 0 to 1024.
      --spdif, --no-spdif        Use S/PDIF when available (default disabled)
          S/PDIF can be used by default when your
          hardware supports it as well as the audio
          stream being played. (default disabled)
      --force-dolby-surround {0 (Auto), 1 (On), 2 (Off)}
                                 Force detection of Dolby Surround
          Use this when you know your stream is (or is
          not) encoded with Dolby Surround but fails to
          be detected as such. Even if the stream is
          not actually encoded with Dolby Surround,
          turning on this option might enhance your
          experience, especially when combined with the
          Headphone Channel Mixer.
      --audio-filter <string>    Audio filters
          This adds audio post processing filters, to
          modify the sound rendering.
      --audio-visual <string>    Audio visualizations 
          This adds visualization modules (spectrum
          analyzer, etc.).

  -f, --fullscreen, --no-fullscreen
                                 Fullscreen video output (default disabled)
          Start video in fullscreen mode (default
      --overlay, --no-overlay    Overlay video output (default disabled)
          Overlay is the hardware acceleration
          capability of your video card (ability to
          render video directly). VLC will try to use
          it by default. (default disabled)
      --video-on-top, --no-video-on-top
                                 Always on top (default disabled)
          Always place the video window on top of other
          windows. (default disabled)
      --snapshot-path <string>   Video snapshot directory (or filename)
          Directory where the video snapshots will be
      --snapshot-prefix <string> Video snapshot file prefix
          Video snapshot file prefix
      --snapshot-format {png,jpg}
                                 Video snapshot format
          Image format which will be used to store the
          video snapshots
      --snapshot-preview, --no-snapshot-preview
                                 Display video snapshot preview (default
          Display the snapshot preview in the screen's
          top-left corner. (default enabled)
      --snapshot-sequential, --no-snapshot-sequential
                                 Use sequential numbers instead of timestamps
                                 (default disabled)
          Use sequential numbers instead of timestamps
          for snapshot numbering (default disabled)
      --crop <string>            Video cropping
          This forces the cropping of the source video.
          Accepted formats are x:y (4:3, 16:9, etc.)
          expressing the global image aspect.
      --custom-crop-ratios <string>
                                 Custom crop ratios list
          Comma seperated list of crop ratios which
          will be added in the interface's crop ratios
      --aspect-ratio <string>    Source aspect ratio
          This forces the source aspect ratio. For
          instance, some DVDs claim to be 16:9 while
          they are actually 4:3. This can also be used
          as a hint for VLC when a movie does not have
          aspect ratio information. Accepted formats
          are x:y (4:3, 16:9, etc.) expressing the
          global image aspect, or a float value (1.25,
          1.3333, etc.) expressing pixel squareness.
      --custom-aspect-ratios <string>
                                 Custom aspect ratios list
          Comma seperated list of aspect ratios which
          will be added in the interface's aspect ratio
      --vout-filter <string>     Video filter module
          This adds post-processing filters to enhance
          the picture quality, for instance
          deinterlacing, or to clone or distort the
          video window.

      --osd, --no-osd            On Screen Display (default enabled)
          VLC can display messages on the video. This
          is called OSD (On Screen Display). (default
      --sub-file <string>        Use subtitle file
          Load this subtitle file. To be used when
          autodetect cannot detect your subtitle file.
      --sub-autodetect-file, --no-sub-autodetect-file
                                 Autodetect subtitle files (default enabled)
          Automatically detect a subtitle file, if no
          subtitle filename is specified (based on the
          filename of the movie). (default enabled)
      --sub-filter <string>      Subpictures filter module
          This adds so-called "subpicture filters".
          These filters overlay some images or text
          over the video (like a logo, arbitraty
      --audio-language <string>  Audio language
          Language of the audio track you want to use
          (comma separated, two or three letter country
      --sub-language <string>    Subtitle language
          Language of the subtitle track you want to
          use (comma separated, two or tree letter
          country code).
      --input-repeat <integer>   Input repetitions
          Number of time the same input will be repeated
      --dvd <string>             DVD device
          This is the default DVD drive (or file) to
          use. Don't forget the colon after the drive
          letter (eg. D:)
      --vcd <string>             VCD device
          This is the default VCD device to use.
      --cd-audio <string>        Audio CD device
          This is the default Audio CD device to use.
      --server-port <integer>    UDP port
          This is the default port used for UDP
          streams. Default is 1234.
  -6, --ipv6, --no-ipv6          Force IPv6 (default disabled)
          IPv6 will be used by default for all
          connections. (default disabled)
  -4, --ipv4, --no-ipv4          Force IPv4 (default disabled)
          IPv4 will be used by default for all
          connections. (default disabled)

      --access-filter <string>   Access filter module
          Access filters are used to modify the stream
          that is being read. This is used for instance
          for timeshifting.
      --high-priority, --no-high-priority
                                 Increase the priority of the process (default
          Increasing the priority of the process will
          very likely improve your playing experience
          as it allows VLC not to be disturbed by other
          applications that could otherwise take too
          much processor time. However be advised that
          in certain circumstances (bugs) VLC could
          take all the processor time and render the
          whole system unresponsive which might require
          a reboot of your machine. (default disabled)

  -Z, --random, --no-random      Play files randomly forever (default disabled)
          VLC will randomly play files in the playlist
          until interrupted. (default disabled)
  -L, --loop, --no-loop          Repeat all (default disabled)
          VLC will keep playing the playlist
          indefinitely. (default disabled)
  -R, --repeat, --no-repeat      Repeat current item (default disabled)
          VLC will keep playing the current playlist
          item. (default disabled)
      --play-and-stop, --no-play-and-stop
                                 Play and stop (default disabled)
          Stop the playlist after each played playlist
          item. (default disabled)
      --open <string>            Default stream
          This stream will always be opened at VLC
      --auto-preparse, --no-auto-preparse
                                 Automatically preparse files (default enabled)
          Automatically preparse files added to the
          playlist (to retrieve some metadata).
          (default enabled)
  -S, --services-discovery <string>
                                 Services discovery modules
          Specifies the services discovery modules to
          load, separated by semi-colons. Typical
          values are sap, hal, ...
  -v, --verbose <integer>        Verbosity (0,1,2)
          This is the verbosity level (0=only errors
          and standard messages, 1=warnings, 2=debug).
      --language {auto,en,en_GB,ar,ca,cs,da,de,es,fa,fr,gl,he,hu,it,ja,ka,ko,ms,ne,nl,oc,pl,pt_BR,ro,ru,sk,sl,sr,sv,th,tr,zh_CN,zh_TW}
          You can manually select a language for the
          interface. The system language is
          auto-detected if "auto" is specified here.
      --advanced, --no-advanced  Show advanced options (default enabled)
          When this is enabled, the preferences and/or
          interfaces will show all available options,
          including those that most users should never
          touch. (default enabled)
      --interact, --no-interact  Interface interaction (default enabled)
          When this is enabled, the interface will show
          a dialog box each time some user input is
          required. (default enabled)
      --show-intf, --no-show-intf
                                 Show interface with mouse (default disabled)
          When this is enabled, the interface is shown
          when you move the mouse to the edge of the
          screen in fullscreen mode. (default disabled)
  -I, --intf <string>            Interface module
          This is the main interface used by VLC. The
          default behavior is to automatically select
          the best module available.
      --extraintf <string>       Extra interface modules
          You can select "additional interfaces" for
          VLC. They will be launched in the background
          in addition to the default interface. Use a
          comma separated list of interface modules.
          (common values are "rc" (remote control),
          "http", "gestures" ...)
      --control <string>         Control interfaces
          You can select control interfaces for VLC.

 Hot keys
      --key-fullscreen <integer> Fullscreen
          Select the hotkey to use to swap fullscreen
      --key-play-pause <integer> Play/Pause
          Select the hotkey to use to swap paused state.
      --key-faster <integer>     Faster
          Select the hotkey to use for fast forward
      --key-slower <integer>     Slower
          Select the hotkey to use for slow motion
      --key-next <integer>       Next
          Select the hotkey to use to skip to the next
          item in the playlist.
      --key-prev <integer>       Previous
          Select the hotkey to use to skip to the
          previous item in the playlist.
      --key-stop <integer>       Stop
          Select the hotkey to stop playback.
      --key-jump-extrashort <integer>
                                 Very short backwards jump
          Select the hotkey to make a very short
          backwards jump.
      --key-jump+extrashort <integer>
                                 Very short forward jump
          Select the hotkey to make a very short
          forward jump.
      --key-jump-short <integer> Short backwards jump
          Select the hotkey to make a short backwards
      --key-jump+short <integer> Short forward jump
          Select the hotkey to make a short forward
      --key-jump-medium <integer>
                                 Medium backwards jump
          Select the hotkey to make a medium backwards
      --key-jump+medium <integer>
                                 Medium forward jump
          Select the hotkey to make a medium forward
      --key-jump-long <integer>  Long backwards jump
          Select the hotkey to make a long backwards
      --key-jump+long <integer>  Long forward jump
          Select the hotkey to make a long forward jump.
      --key-quit <integer>       Quit
          Select the hotkey to quit the application.
      --key-vol-up <integer>     Volume up
          Select the key to increase audio volume.
      --key-vol-down <integer>   Volume down
          Select the key to decrease audio volume.
      --key-vol-mute <integer>   Mute
          Select the key to mute audio.
      --key-audio-track <integer>
                                 Cycle audio track
          Cycle through the available audio
      --key-subtitle-track <integer>
                                 Cycle subtitle track
          Cycle through the available subtitle tracks.
      --key-aspect-ratio <integer>
                                 Cycle source aspect ratio
          Cycle through a predefined list of source
          aspect ratios.
      --key-crop <integer>       Cycle video crop
          Cycle through a predefined list of crop
      --key-deinterlace <integer>
                                 Cycle deinterlace modes
          Cycle through deinterlace modes.
      --extrashort-jump-size <integer>
                                 Very short jump length
          Very short jump length, in seconds.
      --short-jump-size <integer>
                                 Short jump length
          Short jump length, in seconds.
      --medium-jump-size <integer>
                                 Medium jump length
          Medium jump length, in seconds.
      --long-jump-size <integer> Long jump length
          Long jump length, in seconds.
      --bookmark1 <string>       Playlist bookmark 1
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.
      --bookmark2 <string>       Playlist bookmark 2
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.
      --bookmark3 <string>       Playlist bookmark 3
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.
      --bookmark4 <string>       Playlist bookmark 4
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.
      --bookmark5 <string>       Playlist bookmark 5
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.
      --bookmark6 <string>       Playlist bookmark 6
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.
      --bookmark7 <string>       Playlist bookmark 7
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.
      --bookmark8 <string>       Playlist bookmark 8
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.
      --bookmark9 <string>       Playlist bookmark 9
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.
      --bookmark10 <string>      Playlist bookmark 10
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.

 ATSC A/52 (AC-3) audio decoder
      --a52-dynrng, --no-a52-dynrng
                                 A/52 dynamic range compression (default
          Dynamic range compression makes the loud
          sounds softer, and the soft sounds louder, so
          you can more easily listen to the stream in a
          noisy environment without disturbing anyone.
          If you disable the dynamic range compression
          the playback will be more adapted to a movie
          theater or a listening room. (default enabled)

 Standard filesystem directory input
      --recursive {none,collapse,expand}
                                 Subdirectory behavior
          Select whether subdirectories must be
none: subdirectories do not appear
          in the playlist.
collapse: subdirectories
          appear but are expanded on first
expand: all subdirectories are

      --ignore-filetypes <string>
                                 Ignored extensions
          Files with these extensions will not be added
          to playlist when opening a directory.
This is
          useful if you add directories that contain
          playlist files for instance. Use a
          comma-separated list of extensions.

      --dump-force, --no-dump-force
                                 Force use of dump module (default disabled)
          Activate the dump module even for media with
          fast seeking. (default disabled)
      --dump-margin <integer>    Maximum size of temporary file (Mb)
          The dump module will abort dumping of the
          media if more than this much megabyte were

      --timeshift-dir <string>   Timeshift directory
          Directory used to store the timeshift
          temporary files.
      --timeshift-force, --no-timeshift-force
                                 Force use of the timeshift module (default
          Force use of the timeshift module even if the
          access declares that it can control pace or
          pause. (default disabled)

 FTP input
      --ftp-user <string>        FTP user name
          User name that will be used for the
      --ftp-pwd <string>         FTP password
          Password that will be used for the connection.
      --ftp-account <string>     FTP account
          Account that will be used for the connection.

 HTTP input
      --http-proxy <string>      HTTP proxy
          HTTP proxy to be usesd It must be of the form
          ; if empty, the http_proxy environment
          variable will be tried.

 Microsoft Media Server (MMS) input
      --mms-maxbitrate <integer> Maximum bitrate
          Select the stream with the maximum bitrate
          under that limit.

 IceCAST output
      --sout-shout-name <string> Stream name
          Name to give to this stream/channel on the
          icecast server.
      --sout-shout-description <string>
                                 Stream description
          Description of the stream content or
          information about your channel.

 UDP stream output

 SMB input
      --smb-user <string>        SMB user name
          User name that will be used for the
      --smb-pwd <string>         SMB password
          Password that will be used for the connection.
      --smb-domain <string>      SMB domain
          Domain/Workgroup that will be used for the

 Image properties filter
      --contrast <float>         Image contrast (0-2)
          Set the image contrast, between 0 and 2.
          Defaults to 1.
      --brightness <float>       Image brightness (0-2)
          Set the image brightness, between 0 and 2.
          Defaults to 1.
      --hue <integer>            Image hue (0-360)
          Set the image hue, between 0 and 360.
          Defaults to 0.
      --saturation <float>       Image saturation (0-3)
          Set the image saturation, between 0 and 3.
          Defaults to 1.
      --gamma <float>            Image gamma (0-10)
          Set the image gamma, between 0.01 and 10.
          Defaults to 1.
      --brightness-threshold, --no-brightness-threshold
                                 Brightness threshold (default disabled)
          When this mode is enabled, pixels will be
          shown as black or white. The threshold value
          will be the brighness defined below. (default

 File audio output
      --audiofile-file <string>  Output file
          File to which the audio samples will be
          written to.

 AVI demuxer
      --avi-index {0 (Ask), 1 (Always fix), 2 (Never fix)}
                                 Force index creation
          Recreate a index for the AVI file. Use this
          if your AVI file is damaged or incomplete
          (not seekable).

 Clone video filter
      --clone-count <integer>    Number of clones
          Number of video windows in which to clone the

 Crop video filter
      --crop-geometry <string>   Crop geometry (pixels)
          Set the geometry of the zone to crop. This is
          set as <width> x <height> + <left offset> +
          <top offset>.
      --autocrop, --no-autocrop  Automatic cropping (default disabled)
          Automatic black border cropping. (default

 Deinterlacing video filter
      --deinterlace-mode {discard,blend,mean,bob,linear,x}
                                 Deinterlace mode
          Deinterlace method to use for local playback.
      --sout-deinterlace-mode {discard,blend,mean,bob,linear,x}
                                 Streaming deinterlace mode
          Deinterlace method to use for streaming.

 File dumpper
      --demuxdump-file <string>  Dump filename
          Name of the file to which the raw stream will
          be dumped.
      --demuxdump-append, --no-demuxdump-append
                                 Append to existing file (default disabled)
          If the file already exists, it will not be
          overwritten. (default disabled)

 Distort video filter
      --distort-mode {wave,ripple,gradient,edge,hough,psychedelic}
                                 Distort mode
          Distort mode, one of "wave", "ripple",
          "gradient", "edge", "hough" and "psychedelic".
      --distort-gradient-type <integer>
                                 Gradient image type
          Gradient image type (0 or 1). 0 will turn the
          image to white while 1 will keep colors.
      --distort-cartoon, --no-distort-cartoon
                                 Apply cartoon effect (default enabled)
          Apply cartoon effect. It is only used by
          "gradient" and "edge". (default enabled)

 DirectShow input
      --dshow-vdev {,none}       Video device name
          Name of the video device that will be used by
          the DirectShow plugin. If you don't specify
          anything, the default device will be used.
      --dshow-adev {,none}       Audio device name
          Name of the audio device that will be used by
          the DirectShow plugin. If you don't specify
          anything, the default device will be used.
          You can specify a standard size (cif, d1,
          ...) or <width>x<height>
      --dshow-size <string>      Video size
          Size of the video that will be displayed by
          the DirectShow plugin. If you don't specify
          anything the default size for your device
          will be used.

 DTS Coherent Acoustics audio decoder
      --dts-dynrng, --no-dts-dynrng
                                 DTS dynamic range compression (default
          Dynamic range compression makes the loud
          sounds softer, and the soft sounds louder, so
          you can more easily listen to the stream in a
          noisy environment without disturbing anyone.
          If you disable the dynamic range compression
          the playback will be more adapted to a movie
          theater or a listening room. (default enabled)

 Dummy interface function
      --dummy-quiet, --no-dummy-quiet
                                 Do not open a DOS command box interface
                                 (default disabled)
          By default the dummy interface plugin will
          start a DOS command box. Enabling the quiet
          mode will not bring this command box but can
          also be pretty annoying when you want to stop
          VLC and no video window is open. (default

 DVB subtitles decoder
      --dvbsub-x <integer>       Decoding X coordinate
          X coordinate of the rendered subtitle
      --dvbsub-y <integer>       Decoding Y coordinate
          Y coordinate of the rendered subtitle
      --sout-dvbsub-x <integer>  Encoding X coordinate
          X coordinate of the encoded subtitle
      --sout-dvbsub-y <integer>  Encoding Y coordinate
          Y coordinate of the encoded subtitle

 DVDnav Input
      --dvdnav-angle <integer>   DVD angle
          Default DVD angle.
      --dvdnav-menu, --no-dvdnav-menu
                                 Start directly in menu (default enabled)
          Start the DVD directly in the main menu. This
          will try to skip all the useless warning
          introductions. (default enabled)

 DVDRead Input (DVD without menu support)
      --dvdread-angle <integer>  DVD angle
          Default DVD angle.

 Equalizer with 10 bands
      --equalizer-preset {flat,classical,club,dance,fullbass,fullbasstreble,fulltreble,headphones,largehall,live,party,pop,reggae,rock,ska,soft,softrock,techno}
                                 Equalizer preset
          Preset to use for the equalizer.

 Fake video decoder
      --fake-file <string>       Image file
          Path of the image file for fake input.
      --fake-deinterlace, --no-fake-deinterlace
                                 Deinterlace video (default disabled)
          Deinterlace the image after loading it.
          (default disabled)
      --fake-deinterlace-module {deinterlace,ffmpeg-deinterlace}
                                 Deinterlace module
          Deinterlace module to use.

 FFmpeg audio/video decoder/encoder ((MS)MPEG4,SVQ1,H263,WMV,WMA)
      --ffmpeg-workaround-bugs <integer>
                                 Workaround bugs
          Try to fix some bugs:
1  autodetect
2  old
4  xvid interlaced
8  ump4 
16 no
32 ac vlc
64 Qpel chroma.
This must
          be the sum of the values. For example, to fix
          "ac vlc" and "ump4", enter 40.
      --ffmpeg-hurry-up, --no-ffmpeg-hurry-up
                                 Hurry up (default disabled)
          The decoder can partially decode or skip
          frame(s) when there is not enough time. It's
          useful with low CPU power but it can produce
          distorted pictures. (default disabled)
      --ffmpeg-pp-q <integer>    Post processing quality
          Quality of post processing. Valid range is 0
          to 6
Higher levels require considerable more
          CPU power, but produce better looking
      --sout-ffmpeg-hq {rd,bits,simple}
                                 Quality level
          Quality level for the encoding of motions
          vectors (this can slow down the encoding very
      --sout-ffmpeg-keyint <integer>
                                 Ratio of key frames
          Number of frames that will be coded for one
          key frame.
      --sout-ffmpeg-bframes <integer>
                                 Ratio of B frames
          Number of B frames that will be coded between
          two reference frames.
      --sout-ffmpeg-hurry-up, --no-sout-ffmpeg-hurry-up
                                 Hurry up (default disabled)
          The encoder can make on-the-fly quality
          tradeoffs if your CPU can't keep up with the
          encoding rate. It will disable trellis
          quantization, then the rate distortion of
          motion vectors (hq), and raise the noise
          reduction threshold to ease the encoder's
          task. (default disabled)

 Freetype2 font renderer
      --freetype-font <string>   Font
          Filename for the font you want to use
      --freetype-color {0 (Black), 8421504 (Gray), 12632256 (Silver), 16777215 (White), 8388608 (Maroon), 16711680 (Red), 16711935 (Fuchsia), 16776960 (Yellow), 8421376 (Olive), 32768 (Green), 32896 (Teal), 65280 (Lime), 8388736 (Purple), 128 (Navy), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)}
                                 Text default color
          The color of the text that will be rendered
          on the video. This must be an hexadecimal
          (like HTML colors). The first two chars are
          for red, then green, then blue. #000000 =
          black, #FF0000 = red, #00FF00 = green,
          #FFFF00 = yellow (red + green), #FFFFFF =
      --freetype-rel-fontsize {20 (Smaller), 18 (Small), 16 (Normal), 12 (Large), 6 (Larger)}
                                 Relative font size
          This is the relative default size of the
          fonts that will be rendered on the video. If
          absolute font size is set, relative size will
          be overriden.
      --freetype-effect {1 (Background), 2 (Outline), 3 (Fat Outline)}
                                 Font Effect
          It is possible to apply effects to the
          rendered text to improve its readability.

 Mouse gestures control interface
      --gestures-button {left,middle,right}
                                 Trigger button
          Trigger button for mouse gestures.

 GnuTLS TLS encryption layer
      --tls-check-cert, --no-tls-check-cert
                                 Check TLS/SSL server certificate validity
                                 (default enabled)
          This ensures that the server certificate is
          valid (i.e. signed by an approved
          Certification Authority). (default enabled)
      --tls-check-hostname, --no-tls-check-hostname
                                 Check TLS/SSL server hostname in certificate
                                 (default enabled)
          This ensures that the server hostname in
          certificate matches the requested host name.
          (default enabled)

 Goom effect
      --goom-width <integer>     Goom display width
          This allows you to set the resolution of the
          Goom display (bigger resolution will be
          prettier but more CPU intensive).
      --goom-height <integer>    Goom display height
          This allows you to set the resolution of the
          Goom display (bigger resolution will be
          prettier but more CPU intensive).
      --goom-speed <integer>     Goom animation speed
          This allows you to set the animation speed
          (between 1 and 10, defaults to 6).

 Growl Notification Plugin
      --growl-server <string>    Growl server
          This is the host to which Growl notifications
          will be sent. By default, notifications are
          sent locally.
      --growl-password <string>  Growl password
          Growl password on the server.

 Headphone virtual spatialization effect
      --headphone-dim <integer>  Characteristic dimension
          Distance between front left speaker and
          listener in meters.

 Image video output
      --image-out-format {png,jpeg}
                                 Image format
          Format of the output images (png or jpg).
      --image-out-ratio <integer>
                                 Recording ratio
          Ratio of images to record. 3 means that one
          image out of three is recorded.
      --image-out-prefix <string>
                                 Filename prefix
          Prefix of the output images filenames. Output
          filenames will have the "prefixNUMBER.format"
      --image-out-replace, --no-image-out-replace
                                 Always write to the same file (default
          Always write to the same file instead of
          creating one file per image. In this case,
          the number is not appended to the filename.
          (default disabled)

 File logging
      --logfile <string>         Log filename
          Specify the log filename.
      --logmode {text,html}      Log format
          Specify the log format. Available choices are
          "text" (default) and "html".

 Logo video filter
      --logo-file <string>       Logo filenames
          Full path of the image files to use. Format
          is <image>[,<delay in ms>[,<alpha>]][;<image>[
          ,<delay>[,<alpha>]]][;...]. If you only have
          one file, simply enter its filename.
      --logo-transparency <integer>
                                 Transparency of the logo
          Logo transparency value (from 0 for full
          transparency to 255 for full opacity).
      --logo-position {0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)}
                                 Logo position
          Enforce the logo position on the video
          (0=center, 1=left, 2=right, 4=top, 8=bottom,
          you can also use combinations of these
          values, eg 6 = top-right).

 Marquee display
      --marq-marquee <string>    Text
          Marquee text to display.
      --marq-position <integer>  Marquee position
          You can enforce the marquee position on the
          video (0=center, 1=left, 2=right, 4=top,
          8=bottom, you can also use combinations of
          these values, eg 6 = top-right).
      --marq-opacity <integer>   Opacity
          Opacity (inverse of transparency) of
          overlayed text. 0 = transparent, 255 =
          totally opaque. 
      --marq-color {-268435456 (Default), 0 (Black), 8421504 (Gray), 12632256 (Silver), 16777215 (White), 8388608 (Maroon), 16711680 (Red), 16711935 (Fuchsia), 16776960 (Yellow), 8421376 (Olive), 32768 (Green), 32896 (Teal), 65280 (Lime), 8388736 (Purple), 128 (Navy), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)}
          Color of the text that will be rendered on
          the video. This must be an hexadecimal (like
          HTML colors). The first two chars are for
          red, then green, then blue. #000000 = black,
          #FF0000 = red, #00FF00 = green, #FFFF00 =
          yellow (red + green), #FFFFFF = white
      --marq-size <integer>      Font size, pixels
          Font size, in pixels. Default is -1 (use
          default font size).
      --marq-timeout <integer>   Timeout
          Number of milliseconds the marquee must
          remain displayed. Default value is 0 (remains

 M-JPEG camera demuxer
      --mjpeg-fps <float>        Frames per Second
          This is the desired frame rate when playing
          MJPEG from a file. Use 0 (this is the default
          value) for a live stream (from a camera).

 MOD demuxer (libmodplug)
      --mod-noisereduction, --no-mod-noisereduction
                                 Noise reduction (default enabled)
          Enable noise reduction algorithm (default
      --mod-reverb, --no-mod-reverb
                                 Reverb (default disabled)
          Enable reverberation (default disabled)
      --mod-megabass, --no-mod-megabass
                                 Mega bass (default disabled)
          Enable megabass mode (default disabled)
      --mod-surround, --no-mod-surround
                                 Surround (default disabled)
          Surround (default disabled)

 Mosaic video sub filter
      --mosaic-alpha <integer>   Transparency
          Transparency of the mosaic foreground
          pictures. 0 means transparent, 255 opaque
      --mosaic-height <integer>  Height
          Total height of the mosaic, in pixels.
      --mosaic-width <integer>   Width
          Total width of the mosaic, in pixels.
      --mosaic-position {0 (auto), 1 (fixed)}
                                 Positioning method
          Positioning method for the mosaic. auto:
          automatically choose the best number of rows
          and columns. fixed: use the user-defined
          number of rows and columns.
      --mosaic-rows <integer>    Number of rows
          Number of image rows in the mosaic (only used
          if positionning method is set to "fixed".
      --mosaic-cols <integer>    Number of columns
          Number of image columns in the mosaic (only
          used if positionning method is set to "fixed".
      --mosaic-keep-aspect-ratio, --no-mosaic-keep-aspect-ratio
                                 Keep aspect ratio (default disabled)
          Keep the original aspect ratio when resizing
          mosaic elements. (default disabled)
      --mosaic-keep-picture, --no-mosaic-keep-picture
                                 Keep original size (default disabled)
          Keep the original size of mosaic elements.
          (default disabled)
      --mosaic-order <string>    Elements order
          You can enforce the order of the elements on
          the mosaic. You must give a comma-separated
          list of picture ID(s).These IDs are assigned
          in the "mosaic-bridge" module.
      --mosaic-delay <integer>   Delay
          Pictures coming from the mosaic elements will
          be delayed according to this value (in
          milliseconds). For high values you will need
          to raise caching at input.
      --mosaic-bs, --no-mosaic-bs
                                 Bluescreen (default disabled)
          This effect, also known as "greenscreen" or
          "chroma key" blends the "blue parts" of the
          foreground images of the mosaic on the
          background (like wheather forecast
          presenters). You can choose the "key" color
          for blending (blue by default). (default
      --mosaic-bsu <integer>     Bluescreen U value
          "U" value for the bluescreen key color (in
          YUV values). From 0 to 255. Defaults to 120
          for blue.
      --mosaic-bsv <integer>     Bluescreen V value
          "V" value for the bluescreen key color (in
          YUV values). From 0 to 255. Defaults to 90
          for blue.
      --mosaic-bsut <integer>    Bluescreen U tolerance
          Tolerance of the bluescreen blender on color
          variations for the U plane. A value between
          10 and 20 seems sensible.
      --mosaic-bsvt <integer>    Bluescreen V tolerance
          Tolerance of the bluescreen blender on color
          variations for the V plane. A value between
          10 and 20 seems sensible.

 Motion blur filter
      --blur-factor <integer>    Blur factor (1-127)
          The degree of blurring from 1 to 127.

 Motion detect video filter
      --motiondetect-history <integer>
                                 History parameter
          The umber of frames used for detection.
      --motiondetect-description <string>
                                 Description file
          A file containing a simple playlist

 MusePack demuxer
      --mpc-replaygain-type {0 (None), 1 (Title), 2 (Album)}
                                 Replay Gain type
          Musepack can have a title-specific replay
          gain (volume control) or an album-specific
          one. Choose which type you want to use

 MSN Now-Playing
      --msn-format <string>      MSN Title format string
          Format of the string to send to MSN {0}
          Artist, {1} Title, {2} Album. Defaults to
          "Artist - Title" ({0} - {1}).

 OpenGL video output
      --opengl-effect {none,cube,transparent-cube}
          Several visual OpenGL effects are available.

 On Screen Display menu
      --osdmenu-x <integer>      X coordinate
          You can move the OSD menu by left-clicking on
      --osdmenu-y <integer>      Y coordinate
          You can move the OSD menu by left-clicking on
      --osdmenu-position {0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)}
                                 Menu position
          You can enforce the OSD menu position on the
          video (0=center, 1=left, 2=right, 4=top,
          8=bottom, you can also use combinations of
          these values, eg. 6 = top-right).
      --osdmenu-file <string>    Configuration file
          Configuration file for the OSD Menu
      --osdmenu-file-path <string>
                                 Path to OSD menu images
          Path to the OSD menu images. This will
          override the path defined in the OSD
          configuration file.
      --osdmenu-timeout <integer>
                                 Menu timeout
          OSD menu pictures get a default timeout of 15
          seconds added to their remaining time. This
          will ensure that they are at least the
          specified time visible.

 Parametric Equalizer
      --param-eq-lowf <float>    Low freq (Hz)
                --param-eq-lowgain <float> Low freq gain (Db)
                --param-eq-highf <float>   High freq (Hz)
                --param-eq-highgain <float>
                                 High freq gain (Db)
                --param-eq-f1 <float>      Freq 1 (Hz)
                --param-eq-gain1 <float>   Freq 1 gain (Db)
                --param-eq-q1 <float>      Freq 1 Q
                --param-eq-f2 <float>      Freq 2 (Hz)
                --param-eq-gain2 <float>   Freq 2 gain (Db)
                --param-eq-q2 <float>      Freq 2 Q
                --param-eq-f3 <float>      Freq 3 (Hz)
                --param-eq-gain3 <float>   Freq 3 gain (Db)
                --param-eq-q3 <float>      Freq 3 Q
      --playlist-autostart, --no-playlist-autostart
                                 Auto start (default enabled)
          Automatically start playing the playlist
          content once it's loaded.
 (default enabled)
      --m3u-extvlcopt, --no-m3u-extvlcopt
                                 Enable parsing of EXTVLCOPT: options (default
          Enable parsing of EXTVLCOPT: options in m3u
          playlists. This option is default disabled to
          prevent untrusted sources using VLC options
          without the user's knowledge. (default
      --shoutcast-show-adult, --no-shoutcast-show-adult
                                 Show shoutcast adult content (default
          Show NC17 rated video streams when using
          shoutcast video playlists. (default disabled)

      --podcast-urls <string>    Podcast URLs list
          Enter the list of podcasts to retrieve,
          separated by '|' (pipe).

 PORTAUDIO audio output
      --portaudio-device <integer>
                                 Output device
          Portaudio identifier for the output device

 DV (Digital Video) demuxer
      --rawdv-hurry-up, --no-rawdv-hurry-up
                                 Hurry up (default disabled)
          The demuxer will advance timestamps if the
          input can't keep up with the rate. (default

 Remote control interface
      --rc-quiet, --no-rc-quiet  Do not open a DOS command box interface
                                 (default disabled)
          By default the rc interface plugin will start
          a DOS command box. Enabling the quiet mode
          will not bring this command box but can also
          be pretty annoying when you want to stop VLC
          and no video window is open. (default

 RSS and Atom feed display
      --rss-urls <string>        Feed URLs
          RSS/Atom feed '|' (pipe) seperated URLs.
      --rss-position {0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)}
                                 Text position
          You can enforce the text position on the
          video (0=center, 1=left, 2=right, 4=top,
          8=bottom; you can also use combinations of
          these values, eg 6 = top-right).
      --rss-opacity <integer>    Opacity
          Opacity (inverse of transparency) of overlay
          text. 0 = transparent, 255 = totally opaque.
      --rss-color {-268435456 (Default), 0 (Black), 8421504 (Gray), 12632256 (Silver), 16777215 (White), 8388608 (Maroon), 16711680 (Red), 16711935 (Fuchsia), 16776960 (Yellow), 8421376 (Olive), 32768 (Green), 32896 (Teal), 65280 (Lime), 8388736 (Purple), 128 (Navy), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)}
          Color of the text that will be rendered on
          the video. This must be an hexadecimal (like
          HTML colors). The first two chars are for
          red, then green, then blue. #000000 = black,
          #FF0000 = red, #00FF00 = green, #FFFF00 =
          yellow (red + green), #FFFFFF = white
      --rss-size <integer>       Font size, pixels
          Font size, in pixels. Default is -1 (use
          default font size).
      --rss-speed <integer>      Speed of feeds
          Speed of the RSS/Atom feeds (bigger is
      --rss-length <integer>     Max length
          Maximum number of characters displayed on the
      --rss-ttl <integer>        Refresh time
          Number of seconds between each forced refresh
          of the feeds. 0 means that the feeds are
          never updated.
      --rss-images, --no-rss-images
                                 Feed images (default enabled)
          Display feed images if available. (default

 Shoutcast radio listings

 Skinnable Interface
      --skins2-systray, --no-skins2-systray
                                 Systray icon (default disabled)
          Show a systray icon for VLC (default disabled)
      --skins2-taskbar, --no-skins2-taskbar
                                 Show VLC on the taskbar (default enabled)
          Show VLC on the taskbar (default enabled)
      --skins2-transparency, --no-skins2-transparency
                                 Enable transparency effects (default disabled)
          You can disable all transparency effects if
          you want. This is mainly useful when moving
          windows does not behave correctly. (default
      --skinned-playlist, --no-skinned-playlist
                                 Enable skinned playlist (default enabled)
          You can choose whether the playlist window is
          rendered using the skin or the default GUI.
          (default enabled)

 Bridge stream output
      --sout-bridge-out-id <integer>
          Integer identifier for this elementary
          stream. This will be used to "find" this
          stream later.
      --sout-bridge-in-delay <integer>
          Pictures coming from the picture video
          outputs will be delayed according to this
          value (in milliseconds, should be >= 100 ms).
          For high values, you will need to raise
          caching values.
      --sout-bridge-in-id-offset <integer>
                                 ID Offset
          Offset to add to the stream IDs specified in
          bridge_out to obtain the stream IDs bridge_in
          will register.

 Mosaic bridge stream output
      --sout-mosaic-bridge-id <string>
          Specify an identifier string for this
      --sout-mosaic-bridge-sar <string>
                                 Sample aspect ratio
          Sample aspect ratio of the destination (1:1,
          3:4, 2:3).

 RTP stream output
      --sout-rtp-mp4a-latm, --no-sout-rtp-mp4a-latm
                                 MP4A LATM (default disabled)
          This allows you to stream MPEG4 LATM audio
          streams (see RFC3016). (default disabled)

 Standard stream output
      --sout-standard-access <string>
                                 Output access method
          This is the output access method that will be
      --sout-standard-mux <string>
                                 Output muxer
          This is the muxer that will be used.
      --sout-standard-dst <string>
                                 Output destination
          This is the destination (URL) that will be
          used for the stream.

 Transcode stream output
      --sout-transcode-venc <string>
                                 Video encoder
          This is the video encoder module that will be
          used (and its associated options).
      --sout-transcode-vcodec <string>
                                 Destination video codec
          This is the video codec that will be used.
      --sout-transcode-vb <integer>
                                 Video bitrate
          Target bitrate of the transcoded video stream.
      --sout-transcode-scale <float>
                                 Video scaling
          Scale factor to apply to the video while
          transcoding (eg: 0.25)
      --sout-transcode-fps <float>
                                 Video frame-rate
          Target output frame rate for the video stream.
      --sout-transcode-hurry-up, --no-sout-transcode-hurry-up
                                 Hurry up (default enabled)
          The transcoder will drop frames if your CPU
          can't keep up with the encoding rate.
          (default enabled)
      --sout-transcode-deinterlace, --no-sout-transcode-deinterlace
                                 Deinterlace video (default disabled)
          Deinterlace the video before encoding.
          (default disabled)
      --sout-transcode-deinterlace-module {deinterlace,ffmpeg-deinterlace}
                                 Deinterlace module
          Specify the deinterlace module to use.
      --sout-transcode-vfilter <string>
                                 Video filter
          Video filters will be applied to the video
          streams (after overlays are applied). You
          must enter a comma-separated list of filters.
      --sout-transcode-canvas-aspect <string>
                                 Video canvas aspect ratio
          This sets aspect (like 4:3) of the video
          canvas and letterbox the video accordingly.
      --sout-transcode-aenc <string>
                                 Audio encoder
          This is the audio encoder module that will be
          used (and its associated options).
      --sout-transcode-acodec <string>
                                 Destination audio codec
          This is the audio codec that will be used.
      --sout-transcode-ab <integer>
                                 Audio bitrate
          Target bitrate of the transcoded audio stream.
      --sout-transcode-channels <integer>
                                 Audio channels
          Number of audio channels in the transcoded
      --sout-transcode-audio-sync, --no-sout-transcode-audio-sync
                                 Synchronise on audio track (default disabled)
          This option will drop/duplicate video frames
          to synchronise the video track on the audio
          track. (default disabled)
      --sout-transcode-senc <string>
                                 Subtitles encoder
          This is the subtitles encoder module that
          will be used (and its associated options).
      --sout-transcode-scodec <string>
                                 Destination subtitles codec
          This is the subtitles codec that will be used.
      --sout-transcode-soverlay, --no-sout-transcode-soverlay
                                 Destination subtitles codec (default disabled)
          This is the subtitles codec that will be
          used. (default disabled)
      --sout-transcode-sfilter <string>
          This allows you to add overlays (also known
          as "subpictures" on the transcoded video
          stream. The subpictures produced by the
          filters will be overlayed directly onto the
          video. You must specify a comma-separated
          list of subpicture modules
      --sout-transcode-osd, --no-sout-transcode-osd
                                 OSD menu (default disabled)
          Stream the On Screen Display menu (using the
          osdmenu subpicture module). (default disabled)

 Text subtitles decoder
      --subsdec-align {0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right)}
                                 Subtitles justification
          Set the justification of subtitles
      --subsdec-encoding {Default,ASCII,UTF-8,,ISO-8859-1,CP1252,MacRoman,MacIceland,ISO-8859-15,,ISO-8859-2,CP1250,MacCentralEurope,MacCroatian,MacRomania,,ISO-8859-5,CP1251,MacCyrillic,MacUkraine,KOI8-R,KOI8-U,KOI8-RU,,ISO-8859-6,CP1256,MacArabic,,ISO-8859-7,CP1253,MacGreek,,ISO-8859-8,CP1255,MacHebrew,,ISO-8859-9,CP1254,MacTurkish,,ISO-8859-13,CP1257,,ISO-2022-JP,ISO-2022-JP-1,ISO-2022-JP-2,EUC-JP,SHIFT_JIS,,ISO-2022-CN,ISO-2022-CN-EXT,EUC-CN,EUC-TW,BIG5,BIG5-HKSCS,,ISO-2022-KR,EUC-KR,,MacThai,KOI8-T,,ISO-8859-3,ISO-8859-4,ISO-8859-10,ISO-8859-14,ISO-8859-16,,CP850,CP862,CP866,CP874,CP932,CP949,CP950,CP1133,CP1258,,Macintosh,,UTF-7,UTF-16,UTF-16BE,UTF-16LE,UTF-32,UTF-32BE,UTF-32LE,C99,JAVA,UCS-2,UCS-2BE,UCS-2LE,UCS-4,UCS-4BE,UCS-4LE,,HZ,GBK,GB18030,JOHAB,ARMSCII-8,Georgian-Academy,Georgian-PS,TIS-620,MuleLao-1,VISCII,TCVN,HPROMAN8,NEXTSTEP}
                                 Subtitles text encoding
          Set the encoding used in text subtitles
      --subsdec-autodetect-utf8, --no-subsdec-autodetect-utf8
                                 UTF-8 subtitles autodetection (default
          This enables automatic detection of UTF-8
          encoding within subtitles files. (default
      --subsdec-formatted, --no-subsdec-formatted
                                 Formatted Subtitles (default enabled)
          Some subtitle formats allow for text
          formatting. VLC partly implements this, but
          you can choose to disable all formatting.
          (default enabled)

 Theora video decoder
      --sout-theora-quality <integer>
                                 Encoding quality
          Enforce a quality between 1 (low) and 10
          (high), instead of specifying a particular
          bitrate. This will produce a VBR stream.

 Time display sub filter
      --time-position {0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)}
                                 Text position
          You can enforce the text position on the
          video (0=center, 1=left, 2=right, 4=top,
          8=bottom, you can also use combinations of
          these values, e.g. 6 = top-right).
      --time-opacity <integer>   Opacity
          Opacity (inverse of transparency) of overlay
          text. 0 = transparent, 255 = totally opaque.
      --time-color {-268435456 (Default), 0 (Black), 8421504 (Gray), 12632256 (Silver), 16777215 (White), 8388608 (Maroon), 16711680 (Red), 16711935 (Fuchsia), 16776960 (Yellow), 8421376 (Olive), 32768 (Green), 32896 (Teal), 65280 (Lime), 8388736 (Purple), 128 (Navy), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)}
          Color of the text that will be rendered on
          the video. This must be an hexadecimal (like
          HTML colors). The first two chars are for
          red, then green, then blue. #000000 = black,
          #FF0000 = red, #00FF00 = green, #FFFF00 =
          yellow (red + green), #FFFFFF = white
      --time-size <integer>      Font size, pixels
          Font size, in pixels. Default is -1 (use
          default font size).

 Video transformation filter
      --transform-type {90,180,270,hflip,vflip}
                                 Transform type
          One of '90', '180', '270', 'hflip' and 'vflip'

 MPEG Transport Stream demuxer
      --ts-dump-file <string>    Filename of dump
          Specify a filename where to dump the TS in.
      --ts-dump-append, --no-ts-dump-append
                                 Append (default disabled)
          If the file exists and this option is
          selected, the existing file will not be
          overwritten. (default disabled)

 Libtwolame audio encoder
      --sout-twolame-quality <float>
                                 Encoding quality
          Force a specific encoding quality between 0.0
          (high) and 50.0 (low), instead of specifying
          a particular bitrate. This will produce a VBR
      --sout-twolame-mode {0 (Stereo), 1 (Dual mono), 2 (Joint stereo)}
                                 Stereo mode
          Handling mode for stereo streams
      --sout-twolame-vbr, --no-sout-twolame-vbr
                                 VBR mode (default disabled)
          Use Variable BitRate. Default is to use
          Constant BitRate (CBR). (default disabled)
      --sout-twolame-psy <integer>
                                 Psycho-acoustic model
          Integer from -1 (no model) to 4.

 Visualizer filter
      --effect-width <integer>   Video width
          The width of the effects video window, in
      --effect-height <integer>  Video height
          The height of the effects video window, in

 Vorbis audio decoder
      --sout-vorbis-quality <integer>
                                 Encoding quality
          Enforce a quality between 1 (low) and 10
          (high), instead of specifying a particular
          bitrate. This will produce a VBR stream.
      --sout-vorbis-max-bitrate <integer>
                                 Maximum encoding bitrate
          Maximum bitrate in kbps. This is useful for
          streaming applications.
      --sout-vorbis-min-bitrate <integer>
                                 Minimum encoding bitrate
          Minimum bitrate in kbps. This is useful for
          encoding for a fixed-size channel.
      --sout-vorbis-cbr, --no-sout-vorbis-cbr
                                 CBR encoding (default disabled)
          Force a constant bitrate encoding (CBR).
          (default disabled)

 Wall video filter
      --wall-cols <integer>      Number of columns
          Number of horizontal windows in which to
          split the video.
      --wall-rows <integer>      Number of rows
          Number of vertical windows in which to split
          the video.
      --wall-element-aspect <string>
                                 Element aspect ratio
          Aspect ratio of the individual displays
          building the wall.

 wxWidgets interface module
      --wx-embed, --no-wx-embed  Embed video in interface (default enabled)
          Embed the video inside the interface instead
          of having it in a separate window. (default
      --wx-bookmarks, --no-wx-bookmarks
                                 Bookmarks dialog (default disabled)
          Show bookmarks dialog at startup (default
      --wx-taskbar, --no-wx-taskbar
                                 Taskbar (default enabled)
          Show VLC on the taskbar (default enabled)
      --wx-extended, --no-wx-extended
                                 Extended GUI (default disabled)
          Show extended GUI (equalizer, image adjust,
          video filters...) at startup (default
      --wx-playlist-view {0 (Normal), 1 (Embedded), 2 (Both)}
                                 Playlist view
          There are two possible playlist views in the
          interface : the normal playlist (separate
          window), or an embedded playlist (within the
          main interface, but with less features). You
          can select which one will be available on the
          toolbar (or both).
      --wx-systray, --no-wx-systray
                                 Systray icon (default disabled)
          Show a systray icon for VLC (default disabled)

 H.264/MPEG4 AVC encoder (using x264 library)
      --sout-x264-keyint <integer>
                                 Maximum GOP size
          Sets maximum interval between
          IDR-frames.Larger values save bits, thus
          improving quality for a given bitrate at the
          cost of seeking precision.
      --sout-x264-min-keyint <integer>
                                 Minimum GOP size
          Sets minimum interval between IDR-frames. In
          H.264, I-frames do not necessarily bound a
          closed GOP because it is allowable for a
          P-frame to be predicted from more frames than
          just the one frame before it (also see
          reference frame option). Therefore, I-frames
          are not necessarily seekable. IDR-frames
          restrict subsequent P-frames from referring
          to any frame prior to the IDR-frame. 
          scenecuts appear within this interval, they
          are still encoded as I-frames, but do not
          start a new GOP.
      --sout-x264-scenecut <integer>
                                 Extra I-frames aggressivity
          Scene-cut detection. Controls how
          aggressively to insert extra I-frames. With
          small values of scenecut, the codec often has
          to force an I-frame when it would exceed
          keyint. Good values of scenecut may find a
          better location for the I-frame. Large values
          use more I-frames than necessary, thus
          wasting bits. -1 disables scene-cut
          detection, so I-frames are inserted only
          every other keyint frames, which probably
          leads to ugly encoding artifacts. Range 1 to
      --sout-x264-bframes <integer>
                                 B-frames between I and P
          Number of consecutive B-frames between I and
          P-frames. Range 1 to 16.
      --sout-x264-b-adapt, --no-sout-x264-b-adapt
                                 Adaptive B-frame decision (default enabled)
          Force the specified number of consecutive
          B-frames to be used, except possibly before
          an I-frame. (default enabled)
      --sout-x264-b-bias <integer>
                                 Influence (bias) B-frames usage
          Bias the choice to use B-frames. Positive
          values cause more B-frames, negative values
          cause less B-frames.
      --sout-x264-bpyramid, --no-sout-x264-bpyramid
                                 Keep some B-frames as references (default
          Allows B-frames to be used as references for
          predicting other frames. Keeps the middle of
          2+ consecutive B-frames as a reference, and
          reorders frame appropriately. (default
      --sout-x264-cabac, --no-sout-x264-cabac
                                 CABAC (default enabled)
          CABAC (Context-Adaptive Binary Arithmetic
          Coding). Slightly slows down encoding and
          decoding, but should save 10 to 15% bitrate.
          (default enabled)
      --sout-x264-ref <integer>  Number of reference frames
          Number of previous frames used as predictors.
          This is effective in Anime, but seems to make
          little difference in live-action source
          material. Some decoders are unable to deal
          with large frameref values. Range 1 to 16.
      --sout-x264-nf, --no-sout-x264-nf
                                 Skip loop filter (default disabled)
          Deactivate the deblocking loop filter
          (decreases quality). (default disabled)
      --sout-x264-deblock <string>
                                 Loop filter AlphaC0 and Beta parameters
          Loop filter AlphaC0 and Beta parameters.
          Range -6 to 6 for both alpha and beta
          parameters. -6 means light filter, 6 means
      --sout-x264-level <string> H.264 level
          Specify H.264 level (as defined by Annex A of
          the standard). Levels are not enforced; it's
          up to the user to select a level compatible
          with the rest of the encoding options. Range
          1 to 5.1 (10 to 51 is also allowed).
      --sout-x264-interlaced, --no-sout-x264-interlaced
                                 Interlaced mode (default disabled)
          Pure-interlaced mode. (default disabled)
      --sout-x264-qp <integer>   Set QP
          This selects the quantizer to use. Lower
          values result in better fidelity, but higher
          bitrates. 26 is a good default value. Range 0
          (lossless) to 51.
      --sout-x264-crf <integer>  Quality-based VBR
          1-pass Quality-based VBR. Range 0 to 51.
      --sout-x264-qpmin <integer>
                                 Min QP
          Minimum quantizer parameter. 15 to 35 seems
          to be a useful range.
      --sout-x264-qpmax <integer>
                                 Max QP
          Maximum quantizer parameter.
      --sout-x264-qpstep <integer>
                                 Max QP step
          Max QP step between frames.
      --sout-x264-ratetol <float>
                                 Average bitrate tolerance
          Allowed variance in average bitrate (in
      --sout-x264-vbv-maxrate <integer>
                                 Max local bitrate
          Sets a maximum local bitrate (in kbits/s).
      --sout-x264-vbv-bufsize <integer>
                                 VBV buffer
          Averaging period for the maximum local
          bitrate (in kbits).
      --sout-x264-vbv-init <float>
                                 Initial VBV buffer occupancy
          Sets the initial buffer occupancy as a
          fraction of the buffer size. Range 0.0 to 1.0.
      --sout-x264-ipratio <float>
                                 QP factor between I and P
          QP factor between I and P. Range 1.0 to 2.0.
      --sout-x264-pbratio <float>
                                 QP factor between P and B
          QP factor between P and B. Range 1.0 to 2.0.
      --sout-x264-chroma-qp-offset <integer>
                                 QP difference between chroma and luma
          QP difference between chroma and luma.
      --sout-x264-qcomp <float>  QP curve compression
          QP curve compression. Range 0.0 (CBR) to 1.0
      --sout-x264-cplxblur <float>
                                 Reduce fluctuations in QP
          This reduces the fluctuations in QP before
          curve compression. Temporally blurs
      --sout-x264-qblur <float>  Reduce fluctuations in QP
          This reduces the fluctations in QP after
          curve compression. Temporally blurs quants.
      --sout-x264-partitions {none,fast,normal,slow,all}
                                 Partitions to consider
          Partitions to consider in analyse mode: 
          none  : 
 - fast  : i4x4
 - normal:
 - slow  : i4x4,p8x8,(i8x8),b
 - all   : i4x4,p8x8,(i8x8),b8x8,p4x4
          4 requires p8x8. i8x8 requires 8x8dct).
      --sout-x264-direct {none,spatial,temporal,auto}
                                 Direct MV prediction mode
          Direct MV prediction mode.
      --sout-x264-direct-8x8 <integer>
                                 Direct prediction size
          Direct prediction size:  -  0: 4x4
 -  1:
 - -1: smallest possible according to

      --sout-x264-weightb, --no-sout-x264-weightb
                                 Weighted prediction for B-frames (default
          Weighted prediction for B-frames. (default
      --sout-x264-me {dia,hex,umh,esa}
                                 Integer pixel motion estimation method
          Selects the motion estimation algorithm:  -
          dia: diamond search, radius 1 (fast)
 - hex:
          hexagonal search, radius 2
 - umh: uneven
          multi-hexagon search (better but slower)
          esa: exhaustive search (extremely slow,
          primarily for testing)

      --sout-x264-merange <integer>
                                 Maximum motion vector search range
          Maximum distance to search for motion
          estimation, measured from predicted
          position(s). Default of 16 is good for most
          footage, high motion sequences may benefit
          from settings between 24 and 32. Range 0 to
      --sout-x264-subme <integer>
                                 Subpixel motion estimation and partition
                                 decision quality
          This parameter controls quality versus speed
          tradeoffs involved in the motion estimation
          decision process (lower = quicker and higher
          = better quality). Range 1 to 7.
      --sout-x264-b-rdo, --no-sout-x264-b-rdo
                                 RD based mode decision for B-frames (default
          RD based mode decision for B-frames. This
          requires subme 6 (or higher). (default
      --sout-x264-mixed-refs, --no-sout-x264-mixed-refs
                                 Decide references on a per partition basis
                                 (default disabled)
          Allows each 8x8 or 16x8 partition to
          independently select a reference frame, as
          opposed to only one ref per macroblock.
          (default disabled)
      --sout-x264-chroma-me, --no-sout-x264-chroma-me
                                 Chroma in motion estimation (default enabled)
          Chroma ME for subpel and mode decision in
          P-frames. (default enabled)
      --sout-x264-bime, --no-sout-x264-bime
                                 Jointly optimize both MVs in B-frames
                                 (default disabled)
          Joint bidirectional motion refinement.
          (default disabled)
      --sout-x264-8x8dct, --no-sout-x264-8x8dct
                                 Adaptive spatial transform size (default
          SATD-based decision for 8x8 transform in
          inter-MBs. (default disabled)
      --sout-x264-trellis <integer>
                                 Trellis RD quantization
          Trellis RD quantization: 
 - 0: disabled
          1: enabled only on the final encode of a MB

          - 2: enabled on all mode decisions
          requires CABAC.
      --sout-x264-fast-pskip, --no-sout-x264-fast-pskip
                                 Early SKIP detection on P-frames (default
          Early SKIP detection on P-frames. (default
      --sout-x264-dct-decimate, --no-sout-x264-dct-decimate
                                 Coefficient thresholding on P-frames (default
          Coefficient thresholding on P-frames.Eliminate
           dct blocks containing only a small single
          coefficient. (default enabled)
      --sout-x264-nr <integer>   Noise reduction
          Dct-domain noise reduction. Adaptive
          pseudo-deadzone. 10 to 1000 seems to be a
          useful range.
      --sout-x264-deadzone-inter <integer>
                                 Inter luma quantization deadzone
          Set the size of the intra luma quantization
          deadzone. Range 0 to 32.
      --sout-x264-deadzone-intra <integer>
                                 Intra luma quantization deadzone
          Set the size of the intra luma quantization
          deadzone. Range 0 to 32.
      --sout-x264-asm, --no-sout-x264-asm
                                 CPU optimizations (default enabled)
          Use assembler CPU optimizations. (default
      --sout-x264-psnr, --no-sout-x264-psnr
                                 PSNR computation (default disabled)
          Compute and print PSNR stats. This has no
          effect on the actual encoding quality.
          (default disabled)
      --sout-x264-ssim, --no-sout-x264-ssim
                                 SSIM computation (default disabled)
          Compute and print SSIM stats. This has no
          effect on the actual encoding quality.
          (default disabled)
      --sout-x264-quiet, --no-sout-x264-quiet
                                 Quiet mode (default disabled)
          Quiet mode. (default disabled)
      --sout-x264-sps-id <integer>
                                 SPS and PPS id numbers
          Set SPS and PPS id numbers to allow
          concatenating streams with different settings.
      --sout-x264-aud, --no-sout-x264-aud
                                 Access unit delimiters (default disabled)
          Generate access unit delimiter NAL units.
          (default disabled)
      --sout-x264-verbose, --no-sout-x264-verbose
                                 Statistics (default disabled)
          Print stats for each frame. (default disabled)

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