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I am interested in working on the DVB support for Windows project. I have an ATI video capture card in my Windows PC. Is this the type of hardware I would need to work on the project?

Quovodis: no, you need a DVB capture card, typically manufactured by Hauppagge, Technotrend, Twinhan, etc... as far as I know all the ATI capture cards are analog only (Tuner, Composite, S-video)

I would be willing to help with the DVB support. I have a Hauppauge Nova-T (DVB-T) on a Windows box. I also have loads of free time and some C++ experience, so just tell me where to start.

I would be willing to do DirectX 9 integration if you can send me the specifics. I have good C++ experience and some older DirectDraw experience but I can learn and I do image medical processing for a living.

Hiya. I'm a little unsure about the protocol in these circumstances, as I've never contributed to an opensource project before. That said, I would quite like to contribute something back to this project. I have a fair bit of personal DirectX experience, and a some medium (2 yrs professional) C++ experience. If nobody else is actually working on the DX mini project I would be happy to take it on.

--- Hi, I have a Freecom DVB-T USB card which has DBA drivers. I'm not C(anything) coder but I'm happy to help in any way I can. I'm familiar with DVB issues etc. and work in commercial software testing so I can at least do some testing of the code you guys produce.

Hello to all and thanks for your willing to help ! You will get much more feedback on or on the mailing list: vlc-devel at videolan org

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