Talk:VLC Dev Projects

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Announce :

Title: VideoLAN needs your help.

Text: There are many things that we would like to improve in VLC, but that we don't, because we simply don't have enough time. That's why we are currently looking for some help. We have identified several small projects that prospective developers could work on. Knowledge of C and/or C++ programming will certainly be useful, but you don't need to be an expert, nor a video expert. Existing VLC developers will be able to help you on these projects. You can find the list and some instructions at We are waiting for you !

MCE IR partner wanted

Is any developer willing to start a mini-project for supporting the HID input keys and allowing IR remotes like the MCE remotes to control VLC? I am an experienced developer who would like to work on this. It would speed things up greatly if someone familiar with VLC answered questions for me. I promise to keep the number of questions small and not-too-dumb.

P.S. If there is a forum where this request belongs please let me know.

  • I'd gladly help you. I already had some sample code to get remote control events under windows but i never really got to integerate it in VLC (i'm not really good at Windows related coding). Feel free to contact me on IRC (#videolan on Freenode) or in the forums ( , use the private message function). Dionoea 19:06, 17 November 2006 (CET)

  • Hey! I have a Windows Media Center (WMC) IR Remote Control, running on XP Pro SP2, and would like to get this working with VLC, ( , use the private message function and find "some1"). I dont know much C tho! some1 11:53, 01 July 2007.

Help on getting started

Hello. I want to get started on one of these projects (preferably one of the simple bugfixes), but I'm not sure where I should start. Should I just download the current source and start hacking away? Also, is there a way to comment on existing tickets? I don't see any way to. Zootboy 03:35, 10 May 2009 (CEST)

You can comment on trac tickets. Create a trac account and ask on IRC for your account to be validated.
You can then compile your VLC (see Developers_Corner, Git, etc) and submit patches on vlc-devel@ --Thannoy 10:53, 11 May 2009 (CEST)
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