Talk:LibVLC Tutorial 0.9

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This code doesn't appear to compile. I am using gcc 3.4. But some of the problems are obvious, eg line 6, the parentheses don't match.

What version of libvlc was used to create the tutorial? Functions libvlc_media_... don't appear to exist in the latest release version, 0.8.6c. If an unreleased version is used for the tutorial, that would be fine, if the text mentioned that.

davidlallen 17:29, 19 August 2007 (PST)


The code wasn't tested, but should work using 0.9.0, or at least show how to use.--Pdherbemont 22:36, 19 August 2007 (CEST)

Text displaying

Hi, How can i expose the function that handle with text displaying? This is very important for every app that handle with user data on stream.


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