SoC 2008/UPnP

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This project is part of Google Summer of Code 2008.
Student: Mirsal Ennaime
Mentor: Rafaël Carré


GSoC - DLNA UPnP A/V integration

I will use this page as a placeholder for details and progress information about my SoC 2008 project.

The project


Even if it is controverted, UPnP A/V Is a widely used standard set of protocols for networked digital audio and video equipment interoperability, thus making it almost a requirement digital media software that aim to become real part of the average multimedia home network. This project aims to implement at least the Media Server part in VLC media player, which will enable it to advertise and stream media to DNLA UPnP A/V enabled devices, such as the PlayStation 3.


At the end of the project, VLC media player will be able to advertise its currently playing stream or playlist / media library / discovered services to UPnP clients, that will be able to play them over the network, using DNLA UPnP A/V protocols. VLC media player will also expose its web based interface to permit FreeBox's FreePlayer[2]-like features for UPnP devices. As a secondary goal, VLC media player's current UPnP capabilities will be improved with room made for future further UPnP support (Media renderer, Control point...). The reference for success will be the ability to be discovered by, and stream to a PlayStation 3 device.


There are two possible ways to achieve that goals: Implementing the needed services inside VLC media player as modules, written in C (This is the preferred one, and I'm assuming that it will be used), or integrating the Coherence[3] python UPnP framework. Basic UPnP support will be provided through libupnp[4], which is already used in VLC media player for UPnP devices discovery. The UPnP A/V MediaServer specification[5] will be implemented as a module which will provide the ConnectionManager[6], ContentDirectory[7] and AVTransport[8] services as described in their respective specifications. Media will be streamed using the VLC media player's streaming capabilities. The ConnectionManager service will implement the optional PrepareForConnection() action in order to select a streaming protocol matching with the remote device's capabilities, and to be able to stream to multiple UPnP devices simultaneously. The ContentDirectory service will expose the playlist, the media library and the discovered services for remote playback. The AVTransport service will enable playback control from a remote UPnP device. Libdlna[9] will be given a close look, may it be for linking to it, or to use it as reference code.


May 26 to June 10: very little work in this period (My vacations start as of June 10)

Basically spec reading and current UPnP code hacking.

June 10 to July 7: Work work work on the ContentDirectory service (this is the most important part) and if time permits, I'll implement a ConnectionManager service stub in order to have the first real practical results.
July 7 to July 14: Mid-term evaluations (and some code too)
July 14 to Aug 7: Work work work ConnectionManager and AVTransport.
Aug 8: My birthday ^^
Aug 9 to Aug 17: Fix bugs / finish what's late.
Aug 18: Official SoC end.
Aug 19 to Sep 1: Final evaluations, party, sleep, code on anything but UPnP
Sep 1 to October: Work on the ControlPoint part ^^


My progress

Git access

You can checkout my git repository this way:

 $ git clone git://

Progress overview

What WHAT!? When Status
Spec reading Read the relevant UPnP A/V specifications, understand them fully and eventually become a UPnP A/V semi-god May Done.
libupnp / VLC's upnp sd hacking Learn how to use libupnp. Hack the current VLC UPnP modules and fix the services discovery part in order to get used to writing UPnP features in VLC media player. May Done.
Modules architecture / design Find the best way to integrate UPnP features in the current VLC architecture June Done.
ContentDirectory service Implement the MediaServer ContentDirectory service June In progress
ConnectionManager service Implement the MediaServer ConnectionManager service July Done.
AVTransport service Implement the MediaServer AVTransport service July Won't do during SoC.
Be late Finish what needs to (I know I won't manage to stick to the schedule) August In progress
Polish Fix bugs, do performance testing and stuff like that August Won't do during SoC.
Bonus: start the ControlPoint device implementation If time permits ^^ August Won't do during SoC.

Wtf am I doing *right now* ?

Trying to solve problem with the PS3 being a bit too strict on DLNA specs.

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