SoC 2007 Project Audio Extensions

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This project is part of Google Summer of Code 2007.
Student: Biodun Osunkunle
Mentor: Derk-Jan Hartman

Work in progress


The audio output of sound systems can be improved using signal processing techniques which control the frequency response, amplitude, and phase of the output signal. This project is in two stages. In the first stage, the output of VLC media player will be enhanced using similar concepts in other patented systems such as SRS(sound retrieval system), in order to provide a better listening experience.

The second stage involves creating an immersive audio experience, which is a desirable feature in any sound reproduction system. This is currently implemented in multichannel audio reproduction technologies such as Dolby Prologic 2. These multichannel technologies typically require multiple speakers in the equipment setup. The first project will emulate the listening experience obtained from multichannel systems using only a pair of speakers.


The desired immersive audio synthesis will be achieved using the head related transfer function (HRTF).


Task Description Status
Study VLC code structure and techniques In progress
Investigate existing algorithm libraries In progress
Implement audio enhancement algorithms Not Started
Implement immersive audio algorithms Not Started
Optimize algorithm performance Not Started
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