Installing VLC under Redhat/Fedora
Set up Yum Repositories such as Livna etc.After you have followed the instructions there.
[]# yum install vlc
will install VLC Media Player.
If you have any issues inputting from an external device to the "line-in" under Redhat, be sure to check the /etc/.aumixrc file. By default, it doesn't contain an entry for recording from the line-in device. Add one and reload the mixer settings (the command can be found in /etc/modules.conf) and you're good to go.
--Prudhvi 07:43, 6 April 2006 (CEST)
Installing VLC under CentOS (EL5)
1. download and install the latest rpmforge-release rpm (eg rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm)
2. either;
yum install vlc
or (if you have epel-release installed);
yum --disablerepo='epel' install vlc
(otherwise you may receive the error; Missing Dependency: is needed by package vlc-0.9.9a-4.el5.rf.i386)