LibVLC Visual C
This page is obsolete and kept only for historical interest. It may document features that are obsolete, superseded, or irrelevant. Do not rely on the information here being up-to-date. |
The following is the simplest way to use libvlc with visual C++. What you need is: libvlc.dll and the whole folder plugins; Copy the dll file and plugins folder into your Debug or Release directory.
***DEPRECATED API*** USE NEW libvlc_ prefixed functions
1. Create VC console project
2. Implement some functions to load libvlc.dll into your application:
Take a look at [1] to get more information about functions in libvlc.dll
3. Create a command that is used to pass to libvlc.dll This command is used to stream a webcam to another machine:
char ** commands = new char*[6]; commands[0] = "testvlcconsole.exe"; //your application name commands[1] = "dshow://"; commands[2] = ":dshow-vdev=Logitech QuickCam Pro 3000 (08B0)"; commands[3] = ":dshow-adev="; commands[4] = ":dshow-size=176x144"; commands[5] = ":sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=1024,scale=1}:duplicate{dst=rtp{mux=ts,dst=,port=1234}}";
4. Main program:
- Initialize Library : load libvlc.dll and its functions - Create VLC instance: id = VLC_Create() - Initialize VLC : VLC_Init(id, int, commands) - Start playing: VLC_Play()
(Thanks neztol for the code)
5. Source code:
#ifndef _INTERFAZ_LIB_VLC_21_NOV_2006 #define _INTERFAZ_LIB_VLC_21_NOV_2006 #include <windows.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <map> using namespace std; // Definición de las constantes de VLC #define VLC_SUCCESS 0 // Sin error #define VLC_ENOMEM -1 // Memoria insuficiente #define VLC_ETHREAD -2 // Error de Thread #define VLC_ETIMEOUT -3 // Fuera de tiempo #define VLC_ENOMOD -10 // Módulo no localizado #define VLC_ENOOBJ -20 // Objeto no encontrado #define VLC_EBADOBJ -21 // Tipo de objeto inadecuado #define VLC_ENOVAR -30 // Variable no encontrada #define VLC_EBADVAR -31 // Valor de variable erróneo #define VLC_EEXIT -255 // El programa finalizó #define VLC_EEXITSUCCESS -999 // Se salió del programa con éxito #define VLC_EGENERIC -666 // Error genérico #define VLC_FALSE 0 #define VLC_TRUE 1 #define PLAYLIST_INSERT 1 #define PLAYLIST_APPEND 2 #define PLAYLIST_GO 4 #define PLAYLIST_PREPARSE 8 #define PLAYLIST_END -666 #define EXITO 0 #define NO_LIB -1 #define NO_ENCONTRADO -2 #define FUNCION_FALLA -3 // Definición de tipos propios de VLC typedef int vlc_bool_t; typedef struct vlc_list_t vlc_list_t; typedef struct vlc_object_t vlc_object_t; typedef signed __int64 vlc_int64_t; typedef union{ int i_int; vlc_bool_t b_bool; float f_float; char * psz_string; void * p_address; vlc_object_t * p_object; vlc_list_t * p_list; vlc_int64_t i_time; struct { char *psz_name; int i_object_id; } var; /* Make sure the structure is at least 64bits */ struct { char a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h; } padding; } vlc_value_t; typedef const char * (*_VLC_VERSION)(void); typedef const char * (*_VLC_ERROR)(int); typedef int (*_VLC_CREATE)(void); typedef int (*_VLC_INIT)(int, int, char **); typedef int (*_VLC_ADDINTF)(int, const char *, vlc_bool_t, vlc_bool_t); typedef int (*_VLC_DIE)(int); typedef int (*_VLC_CLEANUP)(int); typedef int (*_VLC_DESTROY)(int); typedef int (*_VLC_VARIABLESET)(int, char const *, vlc_value_t); typedef int (*_VLC_VARIABLEGET)(int, char const *, vlc_value_t *); typedef int (*_VLC_VARIABLETYPE)(int, char const *, int *); typedef int (*_VLC_ADDTARGET)(int, char const *, char const **, int, int, int); typedef int (*_VLC_PLAY)(int); typedef int (*_VLC_PAUSE)(int); typedef int (*_VLC_STOP)(int); typedef vlc_bool_t (*_VLC_ISPLAYING)(int); typedef float (*_VLC_POSITIONGET)(int); typedef float (*_VLC_POSITIONSET)(int, float); typedef int (*_VLC_TIMEGET)(int); typedef int (*_VLC_TIMESET)(int, int, vlc_bool_t); typedef int (*_VLC_LENGTHGET)(int); typedef float (*_VLC_SPEEDFASTER)(int); typedef float (*_VLC_SPEEDSLOWER)(int); typedef int (*_VLC_PLAYLISTINDEX)(int); typedef int (*_VLC_PLAYLISTNUMBEROFITEMS)(int); typedef int (*_VLC_PLAYLISTNEXT)(int); typedef int (*_VLC_PLAYLISTPREV)(int); typedef int (*_VLC_PLAYLISTCLEAR)(int); typedef int (*_VLC_VOLUMESET)(int, int); typedef int (*_VLC_VOLUMEGET)(int); typedef int (*_VLC_VOLUMEMUTE)(int); typedef int (*_VLC_FULLSCREEN)(int); // Definición de variables globales para acceder a las funciones _VLC_VERSION VLC_Version; _VLC_ERROR VLC_Error; _VLC_CREATE VLC_Create; _VLC_INIT VLC_Init; _VLC_ADDINTF VLC_AddIntf; _VLC_DIE VLC_Die; _VLC_CLEANUP VLC_CleanUp; _VLC_DESTROY VLC_Destroy; _VLC_VARIABLESET VLC_VariableSet; _VLC_VARIABLEGET VLC_VariableGet; _VLC_VARIABLETYPE VLC_VariableType; _VLC_ADDTARGET VLC_AddTarget; _VLC_PLAY VLC_Play; _VLC_PAUSE VLC_Pause; _VLC_STOP VLC_Stop; _VLC_ISPLAYING VLC_IsPlaying; _VLC_POSITIONGET VLC_PositionGet; _VLC_POSITIONSET VLC_PositionSet; _VLC_TIMEGET VLC_TimeGet; _VLC_TIMESET VLC_TimeSet; _VLC_LENGTHGET VLC_LengthGet; _VLC_SPEEDFASTER VLC_SpeedFaster; _VLC_SPEEDSLOWER VLC_SpeedSlower; _VLC_PLAYLISTINDEX VLC_PlaylistIndex; _VLC_PLAYLISTNUMBEROFITEMS VLC_PlaylistNumberOfItems; _VLC_PLAYLISTNEXT VLC_PlaylistNext; _VLC_PLAYLISTPREV VLC_PlaylistPrev; _VLC_PLAYLISTCLEAR VLC_PlaylistClear; _VLC_VOLUMESET VLC_VolumeSet; _VLC_VOLUMEGET VLC_VolumeGet; _VLC_VOLUMEMUTE VLC_VolumeMute; _VLC_FULLSCREEN VLC_FullScreen; HINSTANCE libvlc; #endif
#include "stdafx.h" #include <string.h> #include "dshow.h" #include <stdio.h> #include "malloc.h" #include "vlc.h" /********************************************************************** * loadLibrary: Carga la librería VLC **********************************************************************/ int loadLibrary(LPWSTR libreria) { LPCWSTR lib = L"\\libvlc.dll"; DWORD tamano = GetCurrentDirectoryW(0, NULL); int liblen = lstrlenW(lib); printf("Tamano: %d, %d\n", tamano, liblen); LPWSTR buffer = new WCHAR[tamano + liblen]; tamano = GetCurrentDirectoryW(tamano, buffer); //buffer[tamano] = 0; lstrcatW(buffer, lib); printf("Buffer: %S\n", buffer); if (libvlc == NULL) { libvlc = LoadLibraryW(libreria); delete buffer; } if (libvlc != NULL) { return EXITO; delete buffer; } else { printf("Libreria libvlc.dll no encontrada, %d\n", GetLastError()); return NO_LIB; delete buffer; } } /********************************************************************** * freeLibrary: Libera la librería VLC **********************************************************************/ bool freeLibrary() { BOOL libera = false; if (libvlc != NULL) { printf("Liberando libreria libvlc.dll\n"); libera = FreeLibrary(libvlc); if (!libera) { printf("Error al liberar\n"); } } return (libera == VLC_TRUE); } /********************************************************************** * funcionFalla: Muestra un mensaje si una función no puede ser * obtenida desde la DLL **********************************************************************/ inline int funcionFalla(const char * msg) { printf("La funcion %s no pudo inicializarse\n", msg); freeLibrary(); return FUNCION_FALLA; } /********************************************************************** * initLib: Carga todas las funciones desde la librería **********************************************************************/ int initLib(LPWSTR libreria) { if (libvlc == NULL) { if (loadLibrary(libreria) != EXITO) { return NO_LIB; } } if ((VLC_AddIntf = (_VLC_ADDINTF) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_AddIntf")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_AddIntf"); if ((VLC_AddTarget = (_VLC_ADDTARGET) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_AddTarget")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_AddTarget"); if ((VLC_CleanUp = (_VLC_CLEANUP) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_CleanUp")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_CleanUp"); if ((VLC_Create = (_VLC_CREATE) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_Create")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_Create"); if ((VLC_Destroy = (_VLC_DESTROY) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_Destroy")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_Destroy"); if ((VLC_Die = (_VLC_DIE) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_Die")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_Die"); if ((VLC_Error = (_VLC_ERROR) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_Error")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_Error"); if ((VLC_FullScreen = (_VLC_FULLSCREEN) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_FullScreen")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_FullScreen"); if ((VLC_Init = (_VLC_INIT) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_Init")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_Init"); if ((VLC_IsPlaying = (_VLC_ISPLAYING) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_IsPlaying")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_IsPlaying"); if ((VLC_LengthGet = (_VLC_LENGTHGET) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_LengthGet")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_LengthGet"); if ((VLC_Pause = (_VLC_PAUSE) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_Pause")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_Pause"); if ((VLC_Play = (_VLC_PLAY) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_Play")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_Play"); if ((VLC_PlaylistClear = (_VLC_PLAYLISTCLEAR) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_PlaylistClear")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_PlaylistClear"); if ((VLC_PlaylistIndex = (_VLC_PLAYLISTINDEX) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_PlaylistIndex")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_PlaylistIndex"); if ((VLC_PlaylistNext = (_VLC_PLAYLISTNEXT) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_PlaylistNext")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_PlaylistNext"); if ((VLC_PlaylistNumberOfItems = (_VLC_PLAYLISTNUMBEROFITEMS) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_PlaylistNumberOfItems")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_PlaylistNumberOfItems"); if ((VLC_PlaylistPrev = (_VLC_PLAYLISTPREV) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_PlaylistPrev")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_PlaylistPrev"); if ((VLC_PositionGet = (_VLC_POSITIONGET) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_PositionGet")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_PositionGet"); if ((VLC_PositionSet = (_VLC_POSITIONSET) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_PositionSet")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_PositionSet"); if ((VLC_SpeedFaster = (_VLC_SPEEDFASTER) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_SpeedFaster")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_SpeedFaster"); if ((VLC_SpeedSlower = (_VLC_SPEEDSLOWER) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_SpeedSlower")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_SpeedSlower"); if ((VLC_Stop = (_VLC_STOP) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_Stop")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_Stop"); if ((VLC_TimeGet = (_VLC_TIMEGET) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_TimeGet")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_TimeGet"); if ((VLC_TimeSet = (_VLC_TIMESET) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_TimeSet")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_TimeSet"); if ((VLC_VariableGet = (_VLC_VARIABLEGET) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_VariableGet")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_VariableGet"); if ((VLC_VariableSet = (_VLC_VARIABLESET) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_VariableSet")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_VariableSet"); if ((VLC_VariableType = (_VLC_VARIABLETYPE) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_VariableType")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_VariableType"); if ((VLC_Version = (_VLC_VERSION) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_Version")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_Version"); if ((VLC_VolumeGet = (_VLC_VOLUMEGET) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_VolumeGet")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_VolumeGet"); if ((VLC_VolumeMute = (_VLC_VOLUMEMUTE) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_VolumeMute")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_VolumeMute"); if ((VLC_VolumeSet = (_VLC_VOLUMESET) GetProcAddress(libvlc, "VLC_VolumeSet")) == NULL) return funcionFalla("VLC_VolumeSet"); return EXITO; } /********************************************************************** * verError: Muestra un mensaje de error **********************************************************************/ void getError(int error) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", (VLC_Error)(error)); } // Main int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { if (initLib(L"libvlc.dll") != EXITO) { printf("No se pudo cargar la libreria\n"); return -1; } int id = -1; // It creates the VLC instance int i_ret = (VLC_Create)(); if( i_ret < 0 ) { getError(i_ret); return i_ret; } id = i_ret; // Inits the instance printf("%d\n", id); char ** commands = new char*[6]; commands[0] = "testvlcconsole.exe"; commands[1] = "dshow://"; commands[2] = ":dshow-vdev=Logitech QuickCam Pro 3000 (08B0)"; commands[3] = ":dshow-adev="; commands[4] = ":dshow-size=176x144"; commands[5] = ":sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=1024,scale=1}:duplicate{dst=rtp{mux=ts,dst=,port=1234}}"; i_ret = (VLC_Init)(id, 6, commands ); printf("%d\n", i_ret); if( i_ret < 0 ) { getError(i_ret); (VLC_Destroy)( id ); return -1; } // Start playing i_ret = (VLC_Play)(id); if( i_ret < 0 ) { getError(i_ret); return false; } getchar(); while((VLC_IsPlaying)(id)); (VLC_Die)(id); (VLC_CleanUp)(id); (VLC_Destroy)(id); freeLibrary(); return 0; }