LibVLC SampleCode SDL
From VideoLAN Wiki
Rendering into a custom surface
This sample code will render a video into an SDL surface.
It requires LibVLC 1.1.1 or later. Below is a version with SDL 2.0 and one with older LibVLC API.
/* libSDL and libVLC sample code * Copyright © 2008 Sam Hocevar <> * license: [ WTFPL] */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <SDL/SDL.h> #include <SDL/SDL_mutex.h> #include <vlc/vlc.h> #define WIDTH 640 #define HEIGHT 480 #define VIDEOWIDTH 320 #define VIDEOHEIGHT 240 struct ctx { SDL_Surface *surf; SDL_mutex *mutex; }; static void *lock(void *data, void **p_pixels) { struct ctx *ctx = data; SDL_LockMutex(ctx->mutex); SDL_LockSurface(ctx->surf); *p_pixels = ctx->surf->pixels; return NULL; /* picture identifier, not needed here */ } static void unlock(void *data, void *id, void *const *p_pixels) { struct ctx *ctx = data; /* VLC just rendered the video, but we can also render stuff */ uint16_t *pixels = *p_pixels; int x, y; for(y = 10; y < 40; y++) for(x = 10; x < 40; x++) if(x < 13 || y < 13 || x > 36 || y > 36) pixels[y * VIDEOWIDTH + x] = 0xffff; else pixels[y * VIDEOWIDTH + x] = 0x0; SDL_UnlockSurface(ctx->surf); SDL_UnlockMutex(ctx->mutex); assert(id == NULL); /* picture identifier, not needed here */ } static void display(void *data, void *id) { /* VLC wants to display the video */ (void) data; assert(id == NULL); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { libvlc_instance_t *libvlc; libvlc_media_t *m; libvlc_media_player_t *mp; char const *vlc_argv[] = { "--no-audio", /* skip any audio track */ "--no-xlib", /* tell VLC to not use Xlib */ }; int vlc_argc = sizeof(vlc_argv) / sizeof(*vlc_argv); SDL_Surface *screen, *empty; SDL_Event event; SDL_Rect rect; int done = 0, action = 0, pause = 0, n = 0; struct ctx ctx; if(argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s <filename>\n", argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* * Initialise libSDL */ if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_EVENTTHREAD) == -1) { printf("cannot initialize SDL\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } empty = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, VIDEOWIDTH, VIDEOHEIGHT, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0); = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, VIDEOWIDTH, VIDEOHEIGHT, 16, 0x001f, 0x07e0, 0xf800, 0); ctx.mutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); int options = SDL_ANYFORMAT | SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_DOUBLEBUF; screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 0, options); if(!screen) { printf("cannot set video mode\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* * Initialise libVLC */ libvlc = libvlc_new(vlc_argc, vlc_argv); m = libvlc_media_new_path(libvlc, argv[1]); mp = libvlc_media_player_new_from_media(m); libvlc_media_release(m); libvlc_video_set_callbacks(mp, lock, unlock, display, &ctx); libvlc_video_set_format(mp, "RV16", VIDEOWIDTH, VIDEOHEIGHT, VIDEOWIDTH*2); libvlc_media_player_play(mp); /* * Main loop */ rect.w = 0; rect.h = 0; while(!done) { action = 0; /* Keys: enter (fullscreen), space (pause), escape (quit) */ while( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) ) { switch(event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: done = 1; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: action = event.key.keysym.sym; break; } } switch(action) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: done = 1; break; case SDLK_RETURN: options ^= SDL_FULLSCREEN; screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 0, options); break; case ' ': pause = !pause; break; } rect.x = (int)((1. + .5 * sin(0.03 * n)) * (WIDTH - VIDEOWIDTH) / 2); rect.y = (int)((1. + .5 * cos(0.03 * n)) * (HEIGHT - VIDEOHEIGHT) / 2); if(!pause) n++; /* Blitting the surface does not prevent it from being locked and * written to by another thread, so we use this additional mutex. */ SDL_LockMutex(ctx.mutex); SDL_BlitSurface(, NULL, screen, &rect); SDL_UnlockMutex(ctx.mutex); SDL_Flip(screen); SDL_Delay(10); SDL_BlitSurface(empty, NULL, screen, &rect); } /* * Stop stream and clean up libVLC */ libvlc_media_player_stop(mp); libvlc_media_player_release(mp); libvlc_release(libvlc); /* * Close window and clean up libSDL */ SDL_DestroyMutex(ctx.mutex); SDL_FreeSurface(; SDL_FreeSurface(empty); SDL_Quit(); return 0; }
SDL 2.0
This version works with LibVLC 1.1.1 or later and SDL 2.0.
// libSDL and libVLC sample code. // License: [ WTFPL] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include "SDL/SDL.h" #include "SDL/SDL_mutex.h" #include "vlc/vlc.h" #define WIDTH 640 #define HEIGHT 480 #define VIDEOWIDTH 320 #define VIDEOHEIGHT 240 struct context { SDL_Renderer *renderer; SDL_Texture *texture; SDL_mutex *mutex; int n; }; // VLC prepares to render a video frame. static void *lock(void *data, void **p_pixels) { struct context *c = (context *)data; int pitch; SDL_LockMutex(c->mutex); SDL_LockTexture(c->texture, NULL, p_pixels, &pitch); return NULL; // Picture identifier, not needed here. } // VLC just rendered a video frame. static void unlock(void *data, void *id, void *const *p_pixels) { struct context *c = (context *)data; uint16_t *pixels = (uint16_t *)*p_pixels; // We can also render stuff. int x, y; for(y = 10; y < 40; y++) { for(x = 10; x < 40; x++) { if(x < 13 || y < 13 || x > 36 || y > 36) { pixels[y * VIDEOWIDTH + x] = 0xffff; } else { // RV16 = 5+6+5 pixels per color, BGR. pixels[y * VIDEOWIDTH + x] = 0x02ff; } } } SDL_UnlockTexture(c->texture); SDL_UnlockMutex(c->mutex); } // VLC wants to display a video frame. static void display(void *data, void *id) { struct context *c = (context *)data; SDL_Rect rect; rect.w = VIDEOWIDTH; rect.h = VIDEOHEIGHT; rect.x = (int)((1. + .5 * sin(0.03 * c->n)) * (WIDTH - VIDEOWIDTH) / 2); rect.y = (int)((1. + .5 * cos(0.03 * c->n)) * (HEIGHT - VIDEOHEIGHT) / 2); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(c->renderer, 0, 80, 0, 255); SDL_RenderClear(c->renderer); SDL_RenderCopy(c->renderer, c->texture, NULL, &rect); SDL_RenderPresent(c->renderer); } static void quit(int c) { SDL_Quit(); exit(c); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { libvlc_instance_t *libvlc; libvlc_media_t *m; libvlc_media_player_t *mp; char const *vlc_argv[] = { "--no-audio", // Don't play audio. "--no-xlib", // Don't use Xlib. // Apply a video filter. //"--video-filter", "sepia", //"--sepia-intensity=200" }; int vlc_argc = sizeof(vlc_argv) / sizeof(*vlc_argv); SDL_Event event; int done = 0, action = 0, pause = 0, n = 0; struct context context; if(argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s <filename>\n", argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Initialise libSDL. if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) { printf("Could not initialize SDL: %s.\n", SDL_GetError()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Create SDL graphics objects. SDL_Window * window = SDL_CreateWindow( "Fartplayer", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, WIDTH, HEIGHT, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN|SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE); if (!window) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create window: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); quit(3); } context.renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 0); if (!context.renderer) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create renderer: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); quit(4); } context.texture = SDL_CreateTexture( context.renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_BGR565, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, VIDEOWIDTH, VIDEOHEIGHT); if (!context.texture) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create texture: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); quit(5); } context.mutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); // If you don't have this variable set you must have plugins directory // with the executable or libvlc_new() will not work! printf("VLC_PLUGIN_PATH=%s\n", getenv("VLC_PLUGIN_PATH")); // Initialise libVLC. libvlc = libvlc_new(vlc_argc, vlc_argv); if(NULL == libvlc) { printf("LibVLC initialization failure.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } m = libvlc_media_new_path(libvlc, argv[1]); mp = libvlc_media_player_new_from_media(m); libvlc_media_release(m); libvlc_video_set_callbacks(mp, lock, unlock, display, &context); libvlc_video_set_format(mp, "RV16", VIDEOWIDTH, VIDEOHEIGHT, VIDEOWIDTH*2); libvlc_media_player_play(mp); // Main loop. while(!done) { action = 0; // Keys: enter (fullscreen), space (pause), escape (quit). while( SDL_PollEvent( &event )) { switch(event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: done = 1; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: action = event.key.keysym.sym; break; } } switch(action) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: case SDLK_q: done = 1; break; case ' ': printf("Pause toggle.\n"); pause = !pause; break; } if(!pause) { context.n++; } SDL_Delay(1000/10); } // Stop stream and clean up libVLC. libvlc_media_player_stop(mp); libvlc_media_player_release(mp); libvlc_release(libvlc); // Close window and clean up libSDL. SDL_DestroyMutex(context.mutex); SDL_DestroyRenderer(context.renderer); quit(0); return 0; }
Older API
This code was used for LibVLC 0.9.x and 1.0.x.
/* libSDL and libVLC sample code * Copyright © 2008 Sam Hocevar <> * license: [ WTFPL] */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <SDL.h> #include <SDL_mutex.h> #include <vlc/vlc.h> #define WIDTH 640 #define HEIGHT 480 #define VIDEOWIDTH 320 #define VIDEOHEIGHT 240 struct ctx { SDL_Surface *surf; SDL_mutex *mutex; }; static void catch (libvlc_exception_t *ex) { if(libvlc_exception_raised(ex)) { fprintf(stderr, "exception: %s\n", libvlc_exception_get_message(ex)); exit(1); } libvlc_exception_clear(ex); } #ifdef VLC09X static void * lock(struct ctx *ctx) { SDL_LockMutex(ctx->mutex); SDL_LockSurface(ctx->surf); return ctx->surf->pixels; } #else static void lock(struct ctx *ctx, void **pp_ret) { SDL_LockMutex(ctx->mutex); SDL_LockSurface(ctx->surf); *pp_ret = ctx->surf->pixels; } #endif static void unlock(struct ctx *ctx) { /* VLC just rendered the video, but we can also render stuff */ uint16_t *pixels = (uint16_t *)ctx->surf->pixels; int x, y; for(y = 10; y < 40; y++) for(x = 10; x < 40; x++) if(x < 13 || y < 13 || x > 36 || y > 36) pixels[y * VIDEOWIDTH + x] = 0xffff; else pixels[y * VIDEOWIDTH + x] = 0x0; SDL_UnlockSurface(ctx->surf); SDL_UnlockMutex(ctx->mutex); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char clock[64], cunlock[64], cdata[64]; char width[32], height[32], pitch[32]; libvlc_exception_t ex; libvlc_instance_t *libvlc; libvlc_media_t *m; libvlc_media_player_t *mp; char const *vlc_argv[] = { "-q", //"-vvvvv", "--plugin-path", VLC_TREE "/modules", "--ignore-config", /* Don't use VLC's config files */ "--noaudio", "--vout", "vmem", "--vmem-width", width, "--vmem-height", height, "--vmem-pitch", pitch, "--vmem-chroma", "RV16", "--vmem-lock", clock, "--vmem-unlock", cunlock, "--vmem-data", cdata, }; int vlc_argc = sizeof(vlc_argv) / sizeof(*vlc_argv); SDL_Surface *screen, *empty; SDL_Event event; SDL_Rect rect; int done = 0, action = 0, pause = 0, n = 0; struct ctx ctx; /* * Initialise libSDL */ if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_EVENTTHREAD) == -1) { printf("cannot initialize SDL\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } empty = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, VIDEOWIDTH, VIDEOHEIGHT, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0); = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, VIDEOWIDTH, VIDEOHEIGHT, 16, 0x001f, 0x07e0, 0xf800, 0); ctx.mutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); int options = SDL_ANYFORMAT | SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_DOUBLEBUF; screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 0, options); if(!screen) { printf("cannot set video mode\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* * Initialise libVLC */ sprintf(clock, "%lld", (long long int)(intptr_t)lock); sprintf(cunlock, "%lld", (long long int)(intptr_t)unlock); sprintf(cdata, "%lld", (long long int)(intptr_t)&ctx); sprintf(width, "%i", VIDEOWIDTH); sprintf(height, "%i", VIDEOHEIGHT); sprintf(pitch, "%i", VIDEOWIDTH * 2); if(argc < 2) { printf("too few arguments (MRL needed)\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } libvlc_exception_init(&ex); libvlc = libvlc_new(vlc_argc, vlc_argv, &ex); catch(&ex); m = libvlc_media_new(libvlc, argv[1], &ex); catch(&ex); mp = libvlc_media_player_new_from_media(m, &ex); catch(&ex); libvlc_media_release(m); libvlc_media_player_play(mp, &ex); catch(&ex); /* * Main loop */ rect.w = 0; rect.h = 0; while(!done) { action = 0; /* Keys: enter (fullscreen), space (pause), escape (quit) */ while( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) ) { switch(event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: done = 1; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: action = event.key.keysym.sym; break; } } switch(action) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: done = 1; break; case SDLK_RETURN: options ^= SDL_FULLSCREEN; screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 0, options); break; case ' ': pause = !pause; break; } rect.x = (int)((1. + .5 * sin(0.03 * n)) * (WIDTH - VIDEOWIDTH) / 2); rect.y = (int)((1. + .5 * cos(0.03 * n)) * (HEIGHT - VIDEOHEIGHT) / 2); if(!pause) n++; /* Blitting the surface does not prevent it from being locked and * written to by another thread, so we use this additional mutex. */ SDL_LockMutex(ctx.mutex); SDL_BlitSurface(, NULL, screen, &rect); SDL_UnlockMutex(ctx.mutex); SDL_Flip(screen); SDL_Delay(10); SDL_BlitSurface(empty, NULL, screen, &rect); } /* * Stop stream and clean up libVLC */ libvlc_media_player_stop(mp, &ex); catch(&ex); libvlc_media_player_release(mp); libvlc_release(libvlc); /* * Close window and clean up libSDL */ SDL_DestroyMutex(ctx.mutex); SDL_FreeSurface(; SDL_FreeSurface(empty); SDL_Quit(); return 0; }