From VideoLAN Wiki
The ID3 spec is what defines metadata for mp3 and mp3pro files. The goal of this page is to cover the extent that VideoLAN implements ID3 and the actual frames you're changing when you edit a file's ID3 tag in the Media Information window.
- Title - TIT2
- Artist - TPE1
- Date - TYER
- Album - TALB
- Track number - First part of TRCK (ignores / and number after it which indicates the total number of tracks/elements in the set)
- Genre -
- Language -
- Now Playing -
- Publisher -
- Copyright -
- Description - (Seems broken, shows bytecode)
- (Picture) -
External links
- ID3 v. 2.3.0 spec - Widely in use version
- ID3 v. 2.4.0 spec