Help VideoLAN
Here are the following ways to help us.
Direct access:
- You are a designer
- You are a writer
- You are someone who is proficient with computers
- You have good English language skills
- You have access to fast servers
- You are a coder in C/C++/ASM
- You are a sysadmin (Linux)
- You are a Maintainer/Packager
- You are Google
- You are Microsoft
- You are Coverity
- You are Mozilla
- You are none of the above
Contents |
If you are a programmer, you can help us by integrating the project:
- New features
- Features improvement
- Bug Tracking
- Code cleaning
- Porting to a new platform
If don't feel like taking on such a huge task, we suggest you take a look at our Code Janitorial project page.
If you don't feel comfortable working on code but are a native speaker of the English language, look at Strings Review.
Also take a look at our Mini Projects Page.
Get started in the Developers Corner.
Maintainer / Packager
If you know how to package for your special distribution/OS, please do so. Help us port VLC media player to as many platforms as possible.
If you:
- Like writing
- Like VLC
- Have never used VLC
- Run into a problem and end up solving it
You can help us make our documentation better!
Update the documentation, edit this wiki, create tutorials or provide answers on the forum.
Help us give the best support to everyone.
On each of these pages is a "Discussion link" - add something there if you find a page here confusing or incorrect.
You can help with your design skills by:
- Repairing and updating the websites
- Create new skins
- Create new icons, screenshots, etc... See the design page
You can test and report bugs. You can enter the quality team.
Promote VLC
You can help to promote VLC by:
- Subscribing to VLC on Freshmeat
- Talking about VLC to your friends and family
- Donating money
See here for more details.