Documentation Talk:Documentation

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I will be importing all the "Play HowTo" and "Streaming HowTo" to the wiki in an attempt to have uptodate docs. Please don't add or edit pages before the import is done (should be done tomorrow). Dionoea 00:49, 7 November 2006 (CET)

Comedian spammer?

Removed following line from the Documentation page: Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good; and when it is bad, it is better than nothing.. It was an addition from what looks like spammer, User:Thresh. I didn't want to just delete it ... ;) --Popol0909 12:50, 18 February 2011 (UTC)

not too familiar with THIS wiki but have some suggestions for documentation

first, i think the HowTo articles about Skins should be incorporated into documentation. they were probably written before the wiki was around but, in my opinion, every HowTo should be on a wiki for faster updating and correcting.

Second, and more importantly, the links mentioned contain broken links. I found that links to explain elipticals were pointing to an EDU extention (provider is a college/university) but whn the writer left his student/ &or /teaching position the account was closed. I did find the new location for the gentleman, but cannot add it to the documentation nor can i figure out the exact page that the documentation was linking to despite there even being an archive area leading me to believe that SOMEWHERE in the site, the originally linked page has been preserved

PLEASE could someone who knows skin creation investigate and add/update a HowTo with the desired links --Qazwiz (talk) 23:37, 3 April 2014 (CEST)

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