Documentation:Streaming HowTo/Advanced streaming with samples, multiple files streaming, using multicast in streaming

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This document explains how to stream a file, stream multiple files, use multicast, etc., using the VideoLAN solution. With examples.


UDP streaming examples

Standard UDP streaming:

% vlc -vvv file:////home/vlc/2007.avi --sout #std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=:1234}' 

Nothing impossible yet. Streaming a file 2007.avi from /home/vlc/ to udp port 1234.

Multicast RTP streaming examples

% vlc -vvv file:////home/vlc/Jumper.avi --sout '#rtp{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=,port=1234,sap,group="Video",name=Jumper Movie"}' :sout-all

Hard? No!
This is known key file. The key --sout starts output as in the UDP sample. Then we set #rtp with access type udp, muxer ts. Then point to multicast IP address with port 1234. And some keys. We point VLC to do announcements of this stream using SAP (see service advertisements protocol), set description of the streaming group to Video, and name this stream 'Jumper Movie' .

Multicast RTP streaming with multiple source files (with examples)

When you start this, you can't stop.
I spent several hours trying to find this solution. Here it is:

% vlc -vvv --color -I telnet --telnet-password "i_dont_know_this_password" --vlm-conf=/home/vlc/vlc.streaming.conf

We told that VLC must colorize its output using key --color. Then we told VLC to open the telnet server. We must control it, really?! This is the -I telnet key. And we the set the password "i_dont_know_this_password" to get access to the console. We use the standard VLC telnet port 4212. If you need to change it, use --telnet-port xxx. Use --vlm-conf=/home/vlc/vlc.streaming.conf to point VLC to open - at start - a special file with multiple files description.

Special multiple files description configuration file

  • vlc.streaming.conf

Using this config file we try to cast 2 video files: 2007.avi and Jumper.avi. To do this, we must describe 2 channels: channel1 and channel2, set the input, and set the output format (we try to multicast this):

  new channel1 broadcast enabled 
  setup channel1 input file:////home/vlc/2007.avi loop
  setup channel1 output #rtp{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=,port=1234,sdp=sap,sap,group="Video",name="2007 Movie"}
  new channel2 broadcast enabled 
  setup channel2 input file:////home/vlc/Jumper.avi loop
  setup channel2 output #rtp{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=,port=1234,sdp=sap,sap,group="Video",name="Jumper Movie"}
  control channel1 play
  control channel2 play

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