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Module: rss
Type Video subfilter
First VLC version 0.8.4
Last VLC version -
Operating system(s) all
Description Overlays RSS and Atom feeds on the video


  • rss-urls <string> : Pipe '|' seperated list of RSS and/or Atom feed URLs. default value: ""
  • rss-x <integer> : X offset from upper left corner. (0.8.6d and prior: This is only if both rss-x and rss-y are positive). default value: 0 (0.8.6d and prior: -1)
  • rss-y <integer> : Y offset from upper left corner. (0.8.6d and prior: This is only if both rss-x and rss-y are positive). default value: 0
  • rss-position <integer> : Feed position: 0=center, 1=left, 2=right, 4=top, 8=bottom, you can also use combinations of these values, eg 6 = top-right. (0.8.6d and prior: This is only used if rss-x or rss-y are negative). default value: 5
  • rss-opacity <integer> : Feed opacity. 0 is transparent, 255 is fully opaque. default value: 255
  • rss-color <integer> : Feed text color. Use the decimal value of the HTML color code. default value: 16777215 (0xFFFFFF, white)
  • rss-size <integer> : Font size in pixels. -1 uses the default font size. default value: -1
  • rss-speed <integer> : Speed in characters by µs. default value: 100000
  • rss-length <integer> : Maximum number of characters to display. default value: 60
  • rss-ttl <integer> : Time in seconds between each feed refresh. default value: 1800
  • rss-images : Display the feed's image if available. default value: enabled
  • rss-title <integer> : -1 for default, 0 to hide the feed's title, 1 to always show it and 2 to make it scroll. default value: -1


Example command line use (VLC 0.9.0 and above):

% vlc somevideo.avi --sub-filter=rss --rss-urls=""

See also

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