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Module: rc
Type Interface
First VLC version -
Last VLC version -
Operating system(s) all
Description Text based command interface



The remote control interface (rc for short) is one of the three console interfaces provided by VLC. The other two being ncurses and telnet.

To force VLC into using this interface, do the following:

vlc -I rc

This interface is operated through textual commands typed into the invoking terminal window.

This is the default interface if no GUI environment is available.

Command reference

Type help followed by enter for a terse list of commands or longhelp for the complete list.

Command line options

There are several options you can use in conjunction with the rc interface:

Option Description Enabled by default
--rc-show-pos Show stream position No
--no-rc-show-pos Show the current position in seconds within the stream from time to time. No
--rc-fake-tty Fake TTY No
--no-rc-fake-tty Force the rc module to use stdin as if it was a TTY. No
--rc-unix=<string> UNIX socket command input. Accept commands over a Unix socket rather than stdin. -
--rc-host=<string> TCP command input. Accept commands over a socket rather than stdin. You can set the address and port the interface will bind to. -
--rc-quiet Do not open a DOS command box interface
--no-rc-quiet By default the rc interface plugin will start a DOS command box. Enabling the quiet mode will not bring this command box but can also be pretty annoying when you want to stop VLC and no video window is open. No

To get this list run

vlc -p rc --advanced --help-verbose


Starting with VLC 0.8.0 you can access this interface through a network with a telnet-client by using the --rc-host localhost:port option.

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