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------ Work in progress ------

Here is the documentation of the Android port of VLC media player.


Preliminary Notes

VLC for Android is a little different from VLC on desktops. In some ways, you can do more; in other ways, you can do less. VLC for Android only does media playback. Active streaming or file / stream to file conversations are not supported for usability and performance reasons. This walk-through does only include screenshots of a phone interface for size reasons. However, all features are also available on tablets with a similar appearance.


There are many ways to install VLC on Android. This may be because you have a non-ARMv7 or x86 processor or do not wish to use the Play Store for whatever reason.

From the Play Store (recommended)

The normal way, for ARMv7 (and above) and x86 processors only. Don't know your processor? Don't worry, if you can download it, you have a compatible ARMv7 or an x86 processor.

From the F-Droid Repository

The F-Droid repository ( is a completely FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) equivalent to the Google Play Store. The F-Droid Repository and all apps within it are provided completely free of charge and licensed under open source licenses. The F-Droid repository can be downloaded directly from their website. The "Unknown Sources" setting must be turned on for Android devices (typically located in Settings -> Security) in order to install repositories other than the Google Play Store.

From VideoLAN

If you can't download from the Play Store or just want to install the VLC .apk by yourself, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Android Settings → Security → Device Administration → Enable 'Unknown Sources'
  2. Go to our download server, preferably from your device:
  3. Choose your processor architecture (ARMv7 or Intel x86) and grab the .apk file.
  4. Click on the .apk you just downloaded and install it.

Don't really know your processor architecture? Try both... it's not very clever, but it's harmless.

None of the two work? It is possible that you have an older processor with the ARMv6 architecture. The solution for now is to install a Nightly Build release. See below.

Still doesn't work? Really? Well, then you must have an exotic processor... Contact us, on the Android forum or directly at

Be a Beta tester or try a Beta release

You want want to know the future of VLC for Android? You want to help us and/or test if your issue is already fixed for the next release ?

Be a Beta tester

Just follow this link Be a Beta tester

Soon, Beta release will automatically install on our device.

Try a Beta release

You don't want to be a Beta Tester but just try a Beta ? Follow these steps :

  1. Go to Android Settings → Security → Device Administration → Enable 'Unknown Sources'
  2. Go to our server, preferably from your device, :
  3. Choose your processor architecture (ARMv7, ARMv8, x86...)
Don't really know your processor architecture? Try both... it's not very clever, but it's harmless
  1. Grab the latest .apk
  2. Click on the .apk you just download and install it.

Install a Nightly Build

You fear nothing and want our very last works on VLC ? Or you have an ARMv6 Processor and want VLC? Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Android Settings → Security → Device Administration → Enable 'Unknown Sources'
  2. Go to our server, preferably from your device:
  3. Choose your processor architecture (ARMv7, ARMv8, x86...)
  4. Grab the latest .apk
  5. Click on the .apk you just download and install it.

You may experience some weird issues but generally, it works fine. If not, please try an older nightly release, and contact us.


At first start, VLC scans all your device to find all your media files. This is the main interface after the scan :

Android Main.jpg
Caption 1.png Show Menu
Caption 2.png Video view
Caption 3.png Audio view
Caption 4.png Directory view
Caption 5.png History view
Caption 6.png Video browser view
Caption 7.png Search a specific media
Caption 8.png Open network MRL
Caption 9.png Load last playlist
Caption 10.png More actions :
  • Sort by name or length
  • Refresh your media library
  • Equalizer
  • Preferences
  • About VLC

Playing Video

Video browser view

This view displays all your videos present in your device, or in the directories you have specified (see Preferences). To play one, just click on it, like the video Caption 1.png.

Note the difference with the video Caption 2.png which is a group of videos : VLC automatically groups your videos with the 4 same starting letters.

Android VideoBrowser.jpg
Caption 1.png A Video
Caption 2.png A group of videos.

Video playback interface

Android VideoPlayer Interface.jpg
Caption 1.png Video title
Caption 2.png Battery and time
Caption 3.png Play / Pause
Caption 4.png Aspect ratio
Caption 5.png Audio tracks
Caption 6.png Subtitles tracks
Caption 7.png Video menu (for DVD iso)
Caption 8.png Lock screen
Caption 9.png Elapsed time
Caption 10.png Seek bar
Caption 11.png Total time / Remaining time
Caption 12.png Advanced Options
  • Playback Speed
  • Sleep timer
  • Jump to specific time
  • Add subtitle

Some precisions:

  • You can change audio and/or subtitle track if there are any. If not, these icons won't be displayed.
  • The Video Menu icon is only displayed for iso video (a DVD iso for example)

Video playback gesture

Android VideoPlayer Gesture.jpg
Caption 1.png Adjust Brightness
Caption 2.png Adjust Volume
Caption 3.png Quick search

Playing Audio


  • You can change the time display to remaining time (e.g. -1:30 for 1:30 minutes remaining) in the audio player by tapping on the current time label in the left.


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