Code Conventions
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The following conventions are the 'classical' VLC code conventions. Those are not enforced anymore.
The important is to keep consistency of codestyle when you modify a file.
If you write a new file, select your style. Common used styles are VLC Style and K&R.
Code conventions
Here you find conventions about how the VLC media player developers write their code.
Function naming
All functions are named accordingly: module name (in lower case) + _ + function name (in mixed case, without underscores). For instance: intf_FooFunction. Static functions don't need the module name.
Variable naming
We use Hungarian notation. That is, we have the following prefixes:
- i_ for integers (sometimes l_ for long integers)
- b_ for booleans
- d_ for doubles
- f_ for floats
- Generally, we add a p when the variable is a pointer to a type
- pf_ for function pointers
- psz_ for a pointer to a string terminated by a zero (C-string)
If a variable has no basic type (for instance a complex structure), don't put any prefix (except p_ if it's a pointer). After one prefix, put an explicit variable name in lower case. If several words are required, join them with an underscore (no mixed case).
- data_packet_t * p_buffer
- char psz_msg_date[42]
- int pi_es_refcount[MAX_ES];
- void (* pf_next_data_packet)( int * )
A few words about white space
Never use tabs in the source (nevertheless you're entitled to use them in the Makefile :-).
Use set expandtab under vim or the equivalent under emacs.
Indents are 4 spaces long.
Put spaces before and after operators, and inside brackets. For instance:
for( i = 0; i < 12; i++, j += 42 );
Leave braces alone on their lines (GNU style[1]). For instance:
if( i_es == 42 ) { p_buffer[0] = 0x12; }
ANSI C-style comments /* ... */ are more commonly used for historical reasons, though C++/C99 comments are tolerated, but please don't mix both in the same file.
Qt interface added conventions